
Changes in Pix4Dbim, Pix4Dmodel, Pix4Dfields and PIX4Dmapper licenses (June 9, 2020)


This article describes the changes that took place on June 9, 2020 and affect customers with a valid Pix4Dbim, Pix4Dmodel, Pix4Dfields, and PIX4Dmapper licenses.

Is my Pix4Dbim license still valid?

All Pix4Dbim licenses got transferred automatically to PIX4Dmapper and PIX4Dcloud Advanced licenses on June 9, 2020:

  • Pre-existing Pix4Dbim licenses with a monthly or yearly subscription: The new PIX4Dmapper and PIX4Dcloud Advanced licenses have the same expiration date as the pre-existing ones.
  • Pre-existing Pix4Dbim permanent licenses with valid Support and Updates: The new PIX4Dmapper license is permanent and the new PIX4Dcloud Advanced has the same expiration date as the Support and Updates of the pre-existing license.
  • Pre-existing Pix4Dbim permanent licenses with expired Support and Updates: The new PIX4Dmapper license is permanent but there is no access to PIX4Dcloud Advanced. To get access to PIX4Dcloud Advanced contact Sales.
  • The Pix4Dbim product is discontinued. New Pix4Dbim licenses cannot be purchased after June 9, 2020. The bundle of PIX4Dmapper + PIX4Dcloud Advanced replaces Pix4Dbim, with the same functionalities and at the same price.

Is my Pix4Dmodel license still valid?

A pre-existing Pix4Dmodel license is still valid. On June 9, 2020:

  • The Pix4Dmodel Cloud product got transferred to PIX4Dcloud, with the same functionalities and expiration date as the one of the pre-existing Pix4Dmodel licenses.
  • Nothing changed for the Pix4Dmodel licenses.
  • The Pix4Dmodel product is discontinued. New subscriptions cannot be purchased after June 9, 2020. Automatic renewals of pre-existing licenses will be possible until September 9, 2020. They will be automatically disabled on that date.

Is my PIX4Dfields license still valid?

A pre-existing PIX4Dfields license is still valid. On June 9, 2020:

  • The PIX4Dfields Cloud product got transferred to PIX4Dcloud, with the same expiration date as the pre-existing PIX4Dfields license.
  • Nothing changed for the PIX4Dfields desktop access.

Is my PIX4Dmapper license still valid?

A pre-existing Pix4Dmapper license is still valid. On June 9, 2020:

  • The PIX4Dmapper cloud product got updated to PIX4Dcloud, with the same expiration date as the one of the pre-existing PIX4Dmapper licenses.
  • No change took place for the PIX4Dmapper licenses.

What happens to the existing Cloud projects associated with Pix4Dbim, Pix4Dmodel, PIX4Dfields, and PIX4Dmapper licenses?

Pix4Dmodel, PIX4Dfields, and PIX4Dmapper Cloud got transferred to PIX4Dcloud.

  • Existing Pix4Dmodel, PIX4Dfields, and PIX4Dmapper cloud projects can still be accessed on PIX4Dcloud. For more information about the duration of the projects’ accessibility: PIX4Dcloud retention policy.

Pix4Dbim has been updated to PIX4Dcloud Advanced.

  • Existing Pix4Dbim cloud projects can still be accessed on PIX4Dcloud Advanced. For more information about the duration of the projects’ accessibility: PIX4Dcloud retention policy.
Important: For customers who had multiple Cloud products, all projects will be transferred to the new product and will appear on the Drive all together. For example, a customer who had (prior to June 9, 2020) both a Pix4Dbim and a PIX4Dmapper license with access to the Cloud, will now have all their projects transferred to the new PIX4Dcloud Advanced. To find easier the projects, use the Sort (by name or date ) and Search (by Sites or Datasets ) function at the upper-right corner of the Projects main page.

Do I still have access to all the features my pre-existing Pix4Dbim/Pix4Dmodel/PIX4Dfields/PIX4Dmapper license had (prior to June 9, 2020)?

  • Pre-existing Pix4Dbim licenses: PIX4Dcloud Advanced that replaces Pix4Dbim Cloud has all Pix4Dbim Cloud functionalities and new ones:
  • Pre-existing Pix4Dmodel licenses: PIX4Dcloud that replaces Pix4Dmodel Cloud has all Pix4Dmodel Cloud functionalities (limited to the generation of 3D textured meshes).
  • Pre-existing PIX4Dfields licenses: PIX4Dcloud that replaces PIX4Dfields Cloud has all PIX4Dfields Cloud functionalities with the exception of the Timeline that is not accessible for new farms.
  • Pre-existing PIX4Dmapper Cloud licenses: PIX4Dcloud that replaces PIX4Dmapper Cloud has all PIX4Dmapper Cloud functionalities and new ones:
    • NDVI processing (when multispectral images are detected, the AG multispectral template will be used)
Note: PIX4Dcloud and PIX4Dcloud Advanced have several interface improvements that make the projects ' management easier:
  • All elements of a group (example: Annotations) can be switched on or off at once.
  • The Results are organized by categories.
  • The coordinates are displayed at the lower-left corner and include not only the geographical coordinates (latitude, longitude) but also the cartesian ones (X, Y) given the project's output coordinate system.
  • Improved Compare mode interface.

How can I get access to more PIX4Dcloud processing?

To get access to more PIX4Dcloud processing, contact Sales.

Which product do I need to buy when my current subscription expires?

PIX4Dmapper, PIX4DCloud, and PIX4Dcloud Advanced subscriptions can be bought on Pix4D online store separately or together depending on your needs.

To maintain access to stored PIX4Dcloud projects, a PIX4Dcloud license is needed. For more information about the duration of the projects’ accessibility: PIX4Dcloud retention policy. For more information about products and pricing: Pricing or contact Sales.