How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  2. PIX4Dcloud
  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to download the results from PIX4Dcloud


After processing on PIX4Dcloud, the results can be downloaded singularly or as project folders.

To download results, there are two options:

  • Open an already created dataset.
  • Option 1: Download multiple outputs
    • Go to Files & Export > Download to display the list of downloadable items.
    • Select one or more outputs to be downloaded.
  • Option 2: Download single output
    • Go to Files & Export > Files > Results to display the list of downloadable items.
    • Click Download on the desired output.
    • If asked, specify the format to export the output locally.
    • The requested output starts downloading.
Note: The list of downloadable items depends on:
Type of outputs

Available downloadable files can be the following.


(transparent or opaque)

GeoTIFF bundle (.tif+.prj+.tfw)







Reflectance maps

GeoTIFF (of each band)
GeoTIFF bundle (all bands)

Point Cloud

LAS (bundle of .las files if the point cloud is split into tiles)

Mesh OBJ

ZIP (Zipped folder containing the .obj, .mtl, .jpg mesh files together with the file to georeference the mesh in third-party software)

Mesh FBX


Contour lines

ZIP (.shp, .dxf, .pdf)

Important: For some outputs (e.g. DSM), if the output is split into several tiles because it was too big or because of camera and processing options, the output cannot be downloaded individually. It is then needed to download the project folders to get all the tiles (e.g. stored in: ...\project_name\2_dsm_ortho\1_dsm\tiles).
Only for the point cloud, it is possible to download a bundle containing all the tiles.
Download reports

In the Reports section, available reports show the label PROCESSED.


Quality report


Processing log


AutoGCPs report


To download a report:

  1. Click Download on the desired report.
  2. If asked, specify the format to export the output locally.
  3. The requested report starts downloading.
Download project files

Downloading the project files means downloading the .p4d file and the entire results folders of the processed steps in order to be able to open the project locally in another Pix4D desktop software (PIX4Dmapper, PIX4Dsurvey).

In the Bundles section, available bundles show the label PROCESSED or AVAILABLE.


Export to Pix4Dmapper

ZIP (Zipped folders)

Information: The label shows ERROR in case the Project is too big to zip.
Important: The project files do not include the input images. It is necessary to download them separately in case the images are not saved on the local computer and the project needs to be opened in PIX4Dmapper.
Warning: If the results folder exceeds 20 GB, then it is not possible to create a zip file with all the files; the Export to PIX4Dmapper option is not available in the project.

To download the project files:

  1. Click Download. A notification appears indicating that the .zip file is being generated. As soon as the .zip file is ready for download, an email is sent to the email address of the license account.
  2. Open the email and click Download zip file.
  3. Unzip the file and save the project in the desired directory.
  4. (Optional) To access individual outputs (e.g. orthomosaic, point cloud) browse the folders to locate the desired file. For more information about the structure of the project folders: Project Folder Structure.
  5. It is then also possible to open the project with PIX4Dmapper, provided the software is installed. For more information: Software Download and Installation. Browse the project folders and double-click the file project_name.p4d.
Warning: It is possible that trying to unzip the results with the default Windows unzip program does not let you perform this action as : is present in some project names. In that case, it is recommended alternatively to install the 7zip tool and try again.
Download input images

In the Bundles section, available results show the label PROCESSED or AVAILABLE.


Input images

ZIP (Zipped folder containing the input images and the .p4d file)

To download the input files:

  1. Click Download on the Input Images. A notification appears indicating that the .zip file is being generated. As soon as the .zip file is ready for download, an email is sent to the email address of the license account.
  2. Open the email and click Download your Input Zip.
  3. Unzip the file and save the folder in the desired directory.
  4. To open the project in PIX4Dmapper, the project results need to be downloaded first. Then browse the project folders and double-click the file project_name.p4d.
  5. If asked, on the pop-up, click OK and navigate to the directory where the images are stored.
