Getting started

Drive - PIX4Dcloud



The PIX4Dcloud Drive is the place where sites and datasets can be created, found, and organized.

Access: The Drive is accessible by:

Dataset and credits quota

  • If the user account is under the image and datasets allowance system: the allowance status bar is displayed at the top of the page. The number of available images and datasets depends on the license/subscription. For more information: PIX4Dcloud - FAQ.allowance.jpg
  • If the user account is under the credit balance system: the number of credits available for processing is displayed by handover the mouse over the XX icon. For more information: Credit quota - FAQ.
    Credit balance with less than 50 credits.
    Credit balance between 50 and 100 credits.
    Credit balance with more than 100 credits
Information: Enabling the auto top-up feature to prevent project from not being processed due to lack of credits. For more information: When to enable the auto top-up?.

PIX4Dcloud Drive structure

There are 4 main types of elements on the Drive:


A dataset is a collection of different inputs (and outputs) collected for a specific date and from a specific location.

A dataset can contain:

More information about how to create a new dataset here.


Access: Sites are available only to users with a PIX4Dcloud Advanced license.

A site is a collection of multiple datasets from different time periods but from the same location. The datasets of a site can be opened in PIX4Dcloud Advanced and display a Timeline where all the datasets that belong to the same site can be found.

More information about how to create a new site here.

How to assign a dataset to a site.

  1. On the Drive, on the dataset, click Assign to.


  2. In the Site name field, type the name of the existing or new site.
  3. Click Assign.
  4. The dataset is moved to the site.

How to remove a dataset from a site.

  1. From the Drive, open the site your dataset belongs to.
  2. Through the timeline, navigate to the dataset that needs to be unassigned from the site.
  3. On the top right, click Remove from site.
  4. Select Remove to confirm.


Using folder helps organize the different sites and datasets.

It can contain:

  • Other folders
  • Sites
  • Datasets

How to create a new folder.

  1. On the Drive, click New folder.
  2. Enter the name of the new folder.
  3. Click Create.
  4. The folder is created and visible on the Drive.

How to assign an element to a folder.

  1. On the Drive, on the element (folder, site, dataset), click more_vertical.png.
  2. Select Move to a folder.
  3. Click Move to on the folder where the element has to be moved to. Alternatively, open the folder on the Drive and select Move here.
  4. (Optional) Click Cancel to interrupt the process.

How to move several elements to a folder.

  1. Select as many elements (folder, site and/or dataset) as desired, by clicking the checkbox displayed in the upper left corner of the element.
  2. (Optional) Click Unselect all to unselect all chosen elements.
  3. Click Move to to visualize the available folders.
  4. Navigate to the destination folder.
  5. Click Move to to select the destination folder.

Note: Moving a folder will also transfer all selected elements inside that folder or site.

How to delete several datasets, sites, or folders.

  1. Select as many elements (folder, site and/or dataset) as desired, by clicking the checkbox displayed in the upper left corner of the element.
  2. (Optional) Click Unselect all to unselect all chosen elements.
  3. Click Delete to remove from the Drive the selected elements.
  4. Type DELETE (in all capitals) to confirm this action.

Important: This action is permanent. Elements inside a folder or a site, if any, are also deleted.
Warning: If the filter search is in use and there is a filter applied which does not include the selected elements, those elements will not be displayed in the Drive view despite the elements being still in the selection.

Drive navigation

Datasets, sites, and folders in Drive can be displayed in different ways:

Information: The datasets and sites stored in subfolders are not directly shown on the map. To show this, click directly on each folder to see the information inside.

Warning: Datasets or sites created before the release of the feature are not displayed on the map in the following cases:
a) Datasets with arbitrary output coordinate system.
b) Datasets that contain only 3D outputs: point cloud and/or 3D mesh and/or IFC.
c) Sites containing only datasets with arbitrary output coordinate systems and/or projects with only 3D outputs.

  • Card view  Blocks logo : It is organized by showing all the folders at the top and then the datasets and sites according to their creation date.
  • Lists view  Lists logo : It is organized, showing in the first columns the name of the folder, site, or datasets, then the creation date and their status (Uploaded, New, Processed, Error). It is organized by showing all the folders at the top and then the datasets and sites according to their creation date.

How to access the Mission planner

Mission Planner is a cloud platform that allows users to create and manage projects and flight missions to be synchronized with PIX4Dcapture PRO, allowing them to execute them with the different supported drone models.

For more information, FAQ - Mission Planner and Getting Started - Mission Planner.