Settings & Tips

Project settings - Details section on PIX4Dcloud

A project's metadata can be viewed from its Details tab on PIX4Dcloud/ PIX4Dcloud Advanced. This article shows how to access this information and describes each metadata provided.

  • Open a project from the Drive.
  • From the Menu bar, click Files & Export > Files > Details tab.

It allows the user to check the following metadata information from the project:

  • Dataset metadata:
    • Created by: Project creator.
    • Organization: Refers to the name of the organization that owns the license that generated the project. For more information, Organization Support.
    • Status: Current state of processing (NEW, PROCESSING, PROCESSED, or ERROR).
    • Last processing: Date and time of the last update.
    • Processing template: Refers to the template chosen for the processing of the project. For more information, Processing options default templates.
    • Source: A project can be upload from several sources.
      • PIX4Dcloud: The project is created via the web browser.
      • PIX4Dcatch-iOS/android: The project is uploaded from the PIX4Dcatch app.
      • API: The project is uploaded via PIX4Dcloud API.
      • PIX4Dfields: The outputs are uploaded from PIX4Dfields share to Cloud functionality.
      • PIX4Dreact: The outputs are uploaded from PIX4Dreact share to Cloud functionality.
      • PIX4Dmapper: The project is uploaded and processed from PIX4Dmapper.
      • PIX4Dcapture-iOS/android: The images are uploaded and processed from PIX4Dcapture to PIX4Dcloud.
    • Coordinate system: Output project coordinate system of the project.
    • Units: Meters or Us ft.
  • Photo metadata:
    • Number of images: Total number of images in the project.
    • Camera: Camera model.
    • Capture date: Date when the images were taken.
