Upload from the PIX4Dcapture mobile app
Upload directly from PIX4Dcloud
Upload from PIX4Dmapper
Upload from the PIX4Dcapture mobile app
A processing template is automatically applied depending on the type of mission and the operative system. For more information about templates: Processing Options Default Templates.
- Free Flight mission on Android: 3D Models.
- All other types of missions: 3D Maps.
Upload directly from PIX4Dcloud
If the images are imported via the new dataset creation workflow, the processing options can be picked by the user.
- Nadir Flight (3D maps): It is ideal for aerial RGB images acquired using a grid flight plan with high overlap, mostly oriented towards the ground. Typical applications are quarries, cadasters, etc.
- Oblique Flight (3D models): Ideal for any RGB images with a high amount of overlap, such as oblique aerial images (free flight). Application examples are 3D models of buildings, objects, inspection, etc.
Warning: The processing of multispectral images is only supported when creating the project in PIX4Dmapper and uploading to PIX4Dcloud for processing.
Warning: PIX4Dcloud only supports thermal processing if the images are in JPG grayscale format but it is not recommended to process such images as the results may exhibit radiometric errors, scale problems, and calibration inaccuracies.
Upload from PIX4Dmapper
It is possible to create a project in PIX4Dmapper and upload it to PIX4Dcloud for processing. In that case the processing options will be the ones of PIX4Dmapper. In this case, it is necesary to have both PIX4DMapper and PIX4Dcloud license and credits available.
If the PIX4Dmapper project include Ground Control Points, Check Points or Manual Tie Points, they will also be taken into account in the PIX4Dcloud process.
PIX4Dcloud by itself also allows the use of Ground Control Points and Check Points via theAutoGCPs detection functionality.Upload from PIX4Dcatch
It is possible to upload directly to PIX4Dcloud / PIX4Dcloud Advanced for processing after capturing the project with PIX4Dcatch.
The following processing options can be selected:
- Measure Volumes and Elevation Profiles: Select the option to generate a DSM.
- 2D Map: Select the option to generate an Orthomosaic.
- Gaussian Splat model
More information on, Processing projects - PIX4Dcatch.
Upload from PIX4Dmatic
It is possible to create a project in PIX4Dmatic and upload it to PIX4Dcloud for processing. In that case, the processing options that can be selected are the same as the ones defined in the section Upload directly from PIX4Dcloud.