Mission Planner

Getting started - Mission Planner - PIX4Dcloud

This article serves as an index to all the different Mission planner articles.

Plan management

This article goes step by step through the process of Plan management using Mission Planner.

Plans are high-level working items. They contain the missions that are planned to be flown.

Plan management - Mission Planner

Mission management

This article goes step by step through the process of Mission management using Mission Planner.

Mission management - Mission Planner

Mission edition

This article goes step by step through the process of Mission edition using Mission Planner.

Mission edition - Mission Planner

File import

The file import option allows importing a grid mission geometry from local files. File import can be accessed from the mission edition section/mission summary.

File import - Mission Planner

Split mission

Mission split allows to automaticaly divide grid missions into smaller ones. It allows users to organize the data acquisition in multiple sections, making easier to monitor the progress of the full data acquisition of the planned area.

Split mission - Mission Planner

Mission types

Several mission types are suported in Mission Planner. They are documented in the following link.

Mission types - Mission Planner


Frequently asked questions about Mission Planner.

FAQ - Mission Planner