What is a region of interest?
A region of interest is a polygon that can be drawn right after importing the images and before processing in PIX4Dcloud so that the results (ortho, DSM, 3Dmesh and point cloud) will stick to that area. A region of interest can help creating better results in less time.
The region of interest is not taken into account during calibration, so the cost of the dataset in PIX4Dcloud credits is the same with or without a region of interest.
If the region of interest does not overlap with the area captured by the images, processing will fail.
How to draw a region of interest
How to edit the region of interest
How to draw a region of interest
Create a dataset.
Import a set of images.
Once the images are imported and the images are displayed on the map, click on Region of interest:
- Click on the map to define each vertex.
- Either doble-click or click the first vertex to finish the polygon:
Click on Next to continue creating the dataset.
The region of interest will be taken into account during processing and define the extent of the results.
The region of interest does not need to cover or include all of the images. PIX4Dcloud will process all of the images, even when they are outside the region of interest.
If an image is outside the region of interest but captures something inside the region of interest, the image will contribute to the results.
How to edit the region of interest
Click inside the region of interest. The area will be highlighted in blue:
To move a vertex to a new location, click and drag a vertex.
To add additional vertices, click anywhere on the border.
To delete a vertex, Alt+click the vertex.
To save the edited region of interest, click anywhere on the map outside of the region of interest.
How to delete the region of interest
Click on Remove region of interest:
How to see the region of interest together with the GCPs
If GCPs are imported before processing, the region of interest can be visualized together with them in the GCPs Automation step.
The region of interest does not need to cover or include all of the control points. AutoGCP will try to detect all control point targets and use them to georeference the results, even when a control point is outside the region of interest.
- Interior polygons, holes, or multi-part polygons are not supported in PIX4Dcloud’s web user interface. However, the PIX4Dengine Cloud API allows you to create and process a dataset with a region of interest that includes these polygons. More information is at projects_processing_options_create.
- Shapefiles or other type of files cannot be used as region of interest.