How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

Share to PIX4Dcloud - How to upload project files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud

This article explains the "Share to PIX4Dcloud" feature, sharing the project and output files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud.

Access: To upload project files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud, both a valid PIX4Dmapper and a valid PIX4Dcloud license are needed.
Important: Before uploading images to PIX4Dcloud make sure that all images have unique filenames, even if the images are in different folders.

To upload the project files:

1. In PIX4Dmapper, on the menu bar, click View > Processing.
2. On the processing bar at the bottom, check the three boxes for all the steps. For more information: Menu View > Processing.


3. On the menu bar, click Project > Upload Project Files...


4. In the File Upload window, check the box Start Processing.


Note: The option Start processing is not available for PIX4Dmapper version 3.0.18. To start the processing, open the uploaded project on PIX4Dcloud and, in the Images section, click Start processing.

5. Click Upload.
6. An email is sent shortly to inform the user of the project status.

Information: If the Point Cloud needs to be edited, after the processing on PIX4Dcloud is completed, download the Point Cloud and open it locally to edit it. Then replace the Point Cloud previously generated on PIX4Dcloud with the edited one. To do so, under the project processed on PIX4Dcloud, in the upper right corner, click Files > Results, and in the corresponding Point Cloud box, Replace File.
Important: If the project is uploaded for technical support, let the Pix4D Support point of contact know the project's name when it is available on PIX4Dcloud.

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