PIX4Dcloud Advanced

Import and visualize an IFC file on PIX4Dcloud Advanced

It is possible to import and visualize an IFC file in PIX4Dcloud Advanced. This article explains how to import this extension file and how to visualize the file in the 3D view.

Warning: The IFC extension file is only available for PIX4Dcloud Advanced.

How to upload an IFC file

To upload an IFC, follow these instructions:

  1. Access the project on the PIX4Dcloud Drive.
  2. On the top-right menu, click Files.
  3. On the top left bar, click Results tab.
  4. Under the Designs section, click Upload File.
  5. Navigate to the IFC file on your local device.
  6. Click Open.
  7. (Optional) The IFC file can be downloaded or replaced.


Information: The IFC file will be ready for visualization right after the upload. It does not require any other postprocessing.
Important: Only one IFC file can be imported for each project.

Visualization settings of IFC file

Once the IFC file is imported on PIX4Dcloud Advanced:

  • On the left menu, the IFC file is visible under the Outputs layer.
  • The IFC file is displayed in the 3D view only.
  • Under the left menu, by clicking on one of the IFC elements, that element is highlighted in light green in the 3D view.
    • The right panel shows the name of the file and allows for changing the opacity and visibility of the element.


Warning: The IFC is expected to be in the same project coordinate system. Otherwise, it isn't showing aligned with the point cloud and 3D mesh.
Information: The file is only displayed in the project from where it was uploaded. That means that if the project belongs to a site, it is not visible in the rest of the projects.