Getting started

My first PIX4Dcloud project from A to Z - PIX4Dcloud

This article shows how to use PIX4Dcloud or PIX4Dcloud Advanced for the first time from start to finish.

Project creation

The first step is to create a new project or dataset. A project can consist of processing images acquired with a drone or a mobile device or of uploaded outputs generated by some Pix4D or third-party software.

To access PIX4Dcloud:

  1. Go to
  2. On the top right, click Log in and enter the Pix4D account credentials. The Drive, which will collect your future projects, is displayed.

To create a new project:

  1. At the top left of the Drive, click + New > New dataset. The New dataset wizard opens.
  2. In step 1. Dataset creation,
    1. Enter the Dataset name (for PIX4Dcloud users) or enter the name to give to the site, which will collect projects of the same area of interest in the future (for PIX4Dcloud Advanced users).
    2. Choose between Upload and process images or Upload processed outputs.
    3. If Upload processed outputs is selected, click Create and go directly to the following article section. Otherwise, click Next and continue reading.
  3. In step 2. Image selection,
    1. Drag and drop the images or click Select images to search for the folder where they are stored.
    2. Select Next.
  4. In step 3. Processing options,
    1. Define the Output coordinate system by typing in a coordinate system name or importing a custom PRJ file.
    2. Select a processing template and define the required quality of the expected results according to the input images of the project and the necessary output types.
  5. (Only for PIX4Dcloud Advanced users) Step 4. GCPs automation is optional and allows one to include GCPs and checkpoints in the project. PIX4Dcloud Advanced AI algorithms will mark them automatically for you.
    1. Click Upload file.
    2. Browse the GCP file in CSV format.
    3. Define the GCPs coordinate system.
    4. Click See and edit control points to ensure the control points' coordinates are correct on the Table and the Map. Click Save to confirm.
  6. Click Process to finalize the new project creation.

Access the 2D/3D view

Once the new project is created, the project 2D/3D view can be accessed to visualize the uploaded results or those generated from the input images. The 2D and/or 3D views are available according to the project outputs.

Note: Both if outputs have been uploaded and generated from images, some time is needed for PIX4Dcloud to prepare the outputs for their web visualization. When images are processed, an email notification is sent at processing completion.
  1. From the PIX4Dcloud drive, open the project.
  2. Navigate through the 2D/3D views using the switcher 2d3dswitcher.jpg.
  3. (Optional) Each layer's settings (Name, Description, Tags, etc.) can be adjusted using the left and right panels.

Analysis and measurements

Built-in measurement tools in the intuitive interface let easily analyze the project data. PIX4Dcloud Advanced also allows monitoring and documenting site progress with specific added features.

Tools available for all PIX4Dcloud users are:

  • select.png Select and Modify: It allows users to pan the map/model, select and modify an element in the views, visualize its details in the Details panel.
  • distance.png Measure a distance or elevation: It allows users to draw a (poly)line annotation and extract measurements. An elevation profile can be generated from a distance measurement. More information in: How to generate an elevation profile.
  • area.png Measure an area: It allows users to draw a polygon annotation and extract measurements from it.
  • measure_radius.jpg Measure a radius: It allows users to draw a circle and extract measurements from it.
  • volume.png Measure a volume: It allows users to draw a base surface upon which a volume annotation is created and volume measurements can be extracted.
  • marker.pngAdd a marker: It allows users to add a point-like marker annotation and extract measurements from it.
  • inspect.png Inspect: It allows users to add an inspection to the project. More information in: What is the Virtual Inspector?


Note: Annotations created in the 2D  view affect the 3D  view and vice versa. It means annotations are automatically synchronized from one view to the other.

PIX4Dcloud Advanced additional tools include:

  • A Timeline to easily switch from one dataset to another.
  • A Design Overlay tool that allows superimposing CAD-type data to quickly compare the as-built with the as-designed tool to check progress and identify as-built errors easily.
  • A 2D/3D comparison tool to visually compare models and maps of a site in time with a slider.
  • The possibility to Compare volumes over time.

Collaboration and sharing

PIX4Dcloud and PIX4Dcloud Advanced are the perfect platforms for collaborating and cooperating on a joint project with colleagues or simply presenting the work done to clients and stakeholders. No need to download and send over big files: with a simple URL, the project can be shared, visualized, and discussed, even being far apart, or displayed on a webpage for displaying maps and models or advertising a business.

With LINK URLs, the project owner can decide whether to give read-only or edit rights.

To share a dataset:

  1. Open the dataset that is ready to be shared.
  2. At the top right corner, click Share. Different links are available:

3. Copy the needed URL and deliver it to collaborators.

Information: Turning the toggle off will immediately deactivate the sharing link. Collaborators will not be able to access the project any longer using the link they received.