Each dataset, and corresponding outputs and annotations, is assigned a specific coordinate system according to different factors:
- The input files.
- The output coordinate system defined during the project creation.
- The use of GCPs or of the AutoGCPs detection functionality.
- Whether the images are processed on the Cloud servers or not.
- How the project is created (uploads from other software).
Dataset and output coordinate system
If the dataset is created importing images directly with PIX4Dcloud
More information on how to create a dataset with images in New dataset.
The selected horizontal output coordinate system.
The vertical coordinate system of the dataset reflects the vertical coordinate system of the input images.
The selected horizontal output coordinate system.
The vertical coordinate system of the dataset reflects the vertical coordinate system of the input images.
If the dataset is created importing results directly with PIX4Dcloud
More information on how to upload results can be found in How to upload results and outputs to PIX4Dcloud.
- If at least one georeferenced output is uploaded (orthomosaic GeoTIFF, DSM GeoTIFF, point cloud), the dataset is georeferenced.
- If multiple results are uploaded, all the georeferenced files should have the same coordinate system.
- To replace a result, the re-uploaded file should have the same coordinate system as the dataset's one.
If the project files are uploaded from PIX4Dmapper
More information on how to upload project files in How to upload project files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud.
If the project files are uploaded from PIX4Dcatch
The output coordinate system is the one defined in RTK Device Settings dialog.
By default, the output system will be:
- WGS84 / UTM XX if the images are in WGS84. The UTM zone is computed based on the image EXIF information
- Arbitrary if the images are not geolocated
Displayed coordinates in the 2D/3D view
- Horizontal: Displayed as latitude and longitude in WGS84 (decimal degrees) and also as X, Y coordinates in the dataset coordinate system.
- Vertical: The same vertical coordinate system as the dataset vertical coordinate system. The unit can be meters (m) or international feet (ft) according to the account preferences. For more information: PIX4Dcloud - FAQ.
Coordinates of the exported annotation layers
- Horizontal: The annotation layers are exported in WGS84.
- Vertical: The same as the dataset vertical coordinate system in the unit specified in the account preferences.
Coordinates of the imported annotation layers
- Horizontal: The annotation layers have to be imported in WGS84.
- Vertical: The same as the dataset vertical coordinate system in the unit specified in the account preferences.