How many images can the PIX4Dcloud servers process when uploading from PIX4Dmapper?

When uploading a project from PIX4Dmapper for processing, PIX4Dcloud can successfully process a certain number of images according to the characteristics of the project, the processing options, and the requested outputs.

Warning: This article refers to the number of images that can be processed when a project is created in PIX4Dmapper and uploaded to PIX4Dcloud for processing.

In order to know the number of images that can be processed when the images are imported by using the PIX4Dcloud user interface or by creating the project in PIX4Dmatic and uploading to PIX4Dcloud for processing, please see this article.

Information: Users with a PIX4Dcloud or a PIX4Dcloud Advanced license are not allowed to process more than 4000 images per project and that is also the maxium number when uploading from PIX4Dmapper. More information about cloud allowance at PIX4Dcloud - FAQ.

The variety and combinations of the parameters when creating the project in PIX4DMapper above can be many. This article is intended to provide some benchmarks and to show the results of some tests performed with significant camera resolutions, common project characteristics and default processing options.

Test results
Dataset A
Dataset B
Camera resolution
24 MP
42 MP
Camera used for testing
senseFly AeriaX
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX1RM2
Maximum number of images processed successfully
2.22 cm / 0.87 in
0.9 cm / 0.35 in
75% - 75%
70% - 40%

Type of flight

Nadir, single grid
Nadir, single grid
Type of project
Industrial zone and agriculture area
Excavation and agriculture area
Processing template
3D maps, Quality1
3D maps, Quality1
Time to generate results
1 day 4 hours
19 hours

The 3D maps, Quality template includes the generation of the Point Cloud (.las), 3D Textured Mesh (.obj), Orthomosaic (GeoTIFF), and DSM (GeoTIFF). More information in New dataset - Processing template.

Warning: Higher quality outputs, additional outputs and output formats can affect the probability of success of the project processing.
Important: Note that the new 3D maps pipeline can process 3951 images of a 42.2 MP camera in a project. For more information, New 3D maps processing pipeline.