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How to verify that there is enough overlap between images - PIX4Dcloud

Information: This article explains in detail how to verify that there is enough overlap between the images in a nadir flight. For oblique flights, the information below does not really applies.

To verify if there is enough overlap between the images:

1. Open the images to visualize them.
2. Visually check the overlap between the images. The recommended minimum overlap should be:

    • 75% frontal and 60% side overlap in general cases.
    • 80% frontal and side overlap for agriculture fields and 85% frontal and side overlap for forests and dense vegetation.
    • 85% frontal overlap for single-track corridor mapping. Use 60% side overlap if the corridor is acquired using two flight lines.

For more information on the overlap and image acquisition, check the PIX4Dcloud best practises article.

Verification could be done visually by comparing the shared / overlapping area between two adjacent images. As shown in the below images, the shared area (red rectangle) between the two images is approximately greater than 80% for front overlap.

