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Inputs - PIX4Dcloud user interface



Inputs for processing

PIX4Dcloud inputs for processing are:

Note: A project that is created in PIX4Dmapper or PIX4Dmatic can also be uploaded to PIX4Dcloud for processing.
- To create a project in PIX4Dmapper and  upload for processing in PIX4Dcloud: How to upload project files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud.
- To create a project in PIX4Dmatic and  upload for processing in PIX4Dcloud: Process in PIX4Dcloud - PIX4Dmatic


  • At least 6 images are required.
  • The formats in the following table are supported.
Warning: Do not modify images, i.e. do not rotate or edit the images. Modifying images alters the geometrical properties of the camera and may deteriorate the quality of the results.
.jpg, .jpeg
RGB JPEG images
.tif, .tiff
1 layer (no pyramid, no multi-page)
8 bit integer, floating point
Note: PIX4Dcloud supports projects with up to 4000 images and cannot accept more input images per project. However, the number of images that can be successfully processed depends on the characteristics of the project. For more information see our best practises article.
Warning: PIX4Dcloud/PIX4Dcloud Advanced alone doesn't support the processing of rjpeg and grayscale thermal images. PIX4Dmapper can be used to process those images. See Processing thermal images using PIX4Dcloud/PIX4Dcloud Advanced and PIX4Dmapper.

Ground Control Points (GCPs) file

Ground Control Points (GCPs) are used for precisely georeferencing the project. PIX4Dcloud Advanced offers the AutoGCP functionality

In order to use that feature, there are some requirements to be fulfilled that are listed here. The main requirement is to have black and white targets with the following shape:


The format of the GCP file is described here.

Note: If the project is uploaded from PIx4Dmapper or from PIX4Dmatic, the user can also include GCPs in the process. If that is the case, there is no need to use the targets above.

- To create a project in PIX4Dmapper and  upload for processing in PIX4Dcloud: How to upload project files from PIX4Dmapper to PIX4Dcloud.
- To create a project in PIX4Dmatic and  upload for processing in PIX4Dcloud: Process in PIX4Dcloud - PIX4Dmatic

Inputs for visualization

A dataset can consist of uploaded results only and if that is the case, there are no images processed.

There are two ways of doing this:

Note: When using PIX4Dmatic version 1.67 or newer, there is no limitation in the size of files that can be uploaded to PIx4Dcloud.

  • From the PIx4Dcloud user interface. In this case, there are some limitations in terms of file size and formats for file uploads:

    • Orthomosaic: one single GeoTIFF file supported, 50 GB maximum
    • DSM: one single GeoTIFF file supported, 50 GB maximum
    • Index: one single GeoTIFF file supported, 50 GB maximum
    • Point Cloud: one single LAS or LAZ file supported.
    • 3D Textured Mesh: one single OBJ+MTL+JPG set of files supported
      • OBJ: Maximum 1 GB.
      • JPG: Maximum 16k x 16k.
Warning: If you are uploading the 3D Mesh, read our recommendations for the Mesh upload here.

Warning: As it is explained in this article, there is a 50 GB size limitation when uploading an ortho, DSM or NDVI to a PIX4Dcloud project using the user interface. That means that a file bigger than that will not be imported. However, depending on the shape of the files it is not guaranteed that they will be displayed in the browser when they are bigger than 7.52 GB. The user will see a message informing about it in that case. This is especially critical when the files are coming from a corridor flight.

More information on how to upload results in: How to upload or replace results to PIX4Dcloud.

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