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What are the output files after... -PIX4Dmapper

This article explains the output created by PIX4Dmapper after processing.

After creating a new project

After creating a new project, in the path selected in Create In in the New Project wizard, the following are created:

  • projectname: This folder will contain all the project files.
    • projectname.log: This file stores the information about the different actions performed in the project.
  • projectname.p4d: This file opens the project in PIX4Dmapper when double click. It stores information about the Coordinate System used, project's processing options selected, camera used, the original images, the Manual Tie Points marked, the GCPs imported and the Objects drawn in the project.

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After step 1. Initial Processing

Once 1. Initial Processing starts, a folder named 1_initial is created within the project_name folder and it contains all the results of step 1.

It contains the following folders:

  • images: Not generated by default, stores the undistorted images that have been undistorted using the original images and camera model distortion parameters.
  • params: Generated if the Camera Internals and Externals, AAT, BBA is selected in the Export section of 1. Initial Processing: Menu Process > Processing Options... > 1. Initial Processing > Calibration. It stores several files containing different parameters computed during the processing, such as internal and external camera parameters, initial and optimized GCP positions, etc. For more information: What does the Output Params Folder contain?.
  • project_data: Stores different files needed by the software for different processing steps.
  • report: Generated always. Stores the Quality Report.

Once step 1. Initial Processing is completed, the Quality Report is generated. It contains information about the processing options, the results of step 1 and the accuracy control of the project: Quality report specifications.

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh

Once 2. Point Cloud and Mesh starts, a folder named 2_densification is created within the project_name folder and it contains all the results of step 2.

It contains the following folders:

  • 3d_mesh: Stores the 3D Textured Mesh in the different formats selected. By default the .obj and the relative image for the texture as well as the .fbx file formats are generated.
    • project_name_simplified_3d_mesh_OSGB: Stores the multi-LOD mesh in .osgb format..
    • project_name_simplified_3d_mesh_SLPK: Stores the multi-LOD mesh in .slpk format.
  • point_cloud: Stores the Point Cloud in the different formats selected. By default only the .las file format is generated.
  • project_data: Stores different files needed by the software for the different processing steps, the Point Cloud and other selected outputs in the processing options in .p4b format. The .p4b files can only be opened in PIX4Dmapper.

Once step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh is completed, the Quality Report is updated and reopened. The new information contains Point Cloud Densification details and processing options: Quality report specifications

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index

Once step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index starts, a folder named 3_dsm_ortho is created within the project_name folder and it contains all the results of step 3.

It contains the following folders:

  • 1_dsm: Stores the Raster DSM (2.5D) and the Grid DSM (2.5D) in the different formats selected (.tif, .las, .laz, .xyz).
  • 2_mosaic: Stores the orthomosaic (with and without transparency).
    • google_tiles: Stores the Google Map Tiles and KML.
  • dtm (optional): Stores the DTM.
  • extras (optional):
    • contours: Stores the contour lines.
  • project_data: Stores data related to the project.
    • meditor: Stores data when using the Mosaic Editor.
Note: The orthomosaic is overwritten when editing the mosaic using the Mosaic Editor.

Once step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index is completed, the Quality Report is updated and reopened. The new information contains DSM, Orthomosaic and Index details and processing options: Quality report specifications.

For more information about the Project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After using the rayCloud

When creating objects with the rayCloud such as:

Those objects are stored as part of the content of the .p4d project file. These objects can also be exported to a file using different file formats.

However, there are some outputs that cannot be exported such as:

Other changes made in the rayCloud such as editing the Point Cloud (How to edit the point cloud in the rayCloud) adding and marking Manual Tie Points or GCPs, enabling or disabling cameras, etc. are saved in the .p4d project file and can be exported.

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After using the Volumes

Volumes is optional and it can be used to:

  • Draw and visualize volumes.
  • Measure volumes.
  • Import and export the volumes.
Note: It is possible to open the Volumes view only when both the point cloud and the DSM are generated.

More information:

Articles about how to use the Volumes:

When creating volumes in the Volumes they are stored in the .p4d project file.

The volumes can also be exported in various file formats: How to export Volumes.

The measures computed for the volumes can be copied to clipboard to be pasted in a spreadsheet or a text editor: Menu View > Volumes > Sidebar > Objects.

Note: Some functions of the rayCloud are also available in Volumes:

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After using the Mosaic Editor

When editing using the Mosaic Editor, any change done is stored in the meditor folder (Project Folder Structure). This folder is created in the selected project path when saving the mosaic by selecting Export on the right sidebar.

The exported Edited Mosaic overwrites the Generated Mosaic that is stored in the results folder.

  • Ensure that all changes to be exported are saved.
  • Exporting the edited mosaic will overwrite the mosaic that was generated at step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index.
  • The Grid DSM as well as the different orthomosaic formats (GeoTIFF, Google Maps Tiles, etc.) will be regenerated if selected in the processing options.

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After using the Index Calculator

When using the Index Calculator, different outputs are generated, modified, or deleted by different actions.

In section 1. Reflectance Map

  • When generating a Reflectance Map, different folders are created:
Warning: By generating a new Reflectance Map, ALL previously-generated Index Calculator results will be DELETED.
    • A folder to store all the Index Calculator outputs:
    • A folder to store the DSM (.tif):
    • A folder to store the Reflectance Map(s) (.tif):

In section 3. Index Map

  • When generating an Index Map / Index Grid, different folders are created:
Warning: If the Index formula is modified, by clicking Generate again, results of the selected Index will be overwritten and the previously-exported Colored Index Map will be deleted.
    • A folder for all the Index Maps / Index Grids generated based on the Regions defined in section 2. Regions:
    • A folder for each Index Map / Index Grid generated based on the Regions defined in section 2. Regions:

  • When editing a user-defined Index formula
Warning: When changing the name of a user-defined Index, all previously-generated files of the updated Index will also be renamed.
Warning: When changing the formula expression from a user-defined Index, ALL generated files of the updated Index (Index Map and Colored Index Map) will be DELETED.
  • When creating a new Index formula
    • The Index formula will be stored in the .p4d project file.

  • When deleting a user defined Index
    • The Index formula will be deleted from the .p4d project file.
Warning: When deleting a user-defined Index, ALL previously-generated files of the deleted Index (Index Map and Colored Index Map) will also be DELETED.

In section 5. Export

  • When exporting Index Values and Rates as shapefiles
    • The Index Values and Rates files (.shp) are generated based on the class settings of section 4. Classes and stored in the folder:

      With the name:

  • When exporting a Colored Index Map
    • The Colored Index Map files (.tif, .png, .jpg and .kml) are stored in the folder:

      With the name:
Warning: If any Classified Index Maps or Colored Index Maps already exist, generating new Maps will overwrite the existing ones.

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.

After changing or exporting parameters

User camera model database

When modifying a camera model or creating a new camera model, the new camera model information is stored in the user's camera model database. The camera model database can be exported to .xml file and can be stored in any selected path.

Ground control points (GCPs)

The marked ground control point (GCP) position in the images can be exported to a file stored in any selected path: How to export the marks of GCPs/Manual Tie Points in the GCP/MTP Manager.

Warning: T he zoom level at which GCPs are marked has an influence on the GCP error obtained in the Quality Report as well as on the reconstructed 3D model . However, the exported file does not save the zoom level at which the GCPs have been marked.

For more information about the project folder structure: Project Folder Structure.