How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

How to draw a new orthoplane - PIX4Dmapper

This article explains in detail how to draw a new orthoplane in PIX4Dmapper.

Video: Watch the instructional video related to the Orthoplane:
  • An orthoplane can be drawn after step 1. Initial Processing has been completed.
  • An orthoplane can only be generated after step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh has been completed.

In order to draw a new orthoplane in the rayCloud:

1. On the menu bar, click View > rayCloud.
2. On the menu bar, click rayCloud > New Orthoplane.

3. In the 3D View, an orthoplane box appears beside the mouse. Left-click to place the box on a 3D point.
4. Adjust the orthoplane box so that it is parallel to the object (the facade of a building, the slope of a hill, etc.):

Warning: The green arrow should point towards the object to be orthorectified.
  • Drag the arrows of the orthoplane box to move it and place it at the desired location. Drag the:
    • Red arrow to move it towards the X direction.
    • Green arrow to move it towards the Y direction.
    • Blue arrow to move it towards the Z direction.

Or use the Position (X,Y,Z) options of the right sidebar: Menu View > rayCloud > Right sidebar > Objects.

  • Drag the spheres of the orthoplane box to resize it. Drag the:
    • Red sphere to resize the X length.
    • Green sphere to resize the Y length.
    • Blue sphere to resize the Z length.

Or use the Width, Height, Clipping Distance options of the right sidebar: Menu View > rayCloud > Right sidebar > Objects.

Note: All the points included in the orthoplane box are used for the orthomosaic generation.

5. (optional) Click Flip to change the orientation and direction of the orthoplane.
6. (optional) If at least one surface object is drawn (How to draw a Surface in the rayCloud), click Align to align the orthoplane with an existing surface. (Select the desired surface from the drop-down list).
7. Click Apply to save the changes made under the Properties section of the right sidebar.
