Pix4D develops both image acquisition apps, which allow one to perform drone and terrestrial captures, and photogrammetry software that transforms images into 2D and 3D outputs for different applications and use cases.
All Pix4D software, such as PIX4Dmatic, PIX4Dcloud, PIX4Dmapper, and PIX4Dfields, is drone agnostic, meaning it can process images from almost any drone or camera provided they are of high quality and have sufficient overlap.
This article describes if and how Pix4D apps and software are compatible and support different drones, cameras, and devices. This is not the complete list of the drone that are supported.
Supported drones
Capture Pro
Supported cameras
capture Pro
* PIX4Dmapper has an extensive internal camera database but can process images from any camera model (RGB, multispectral, thermal). For cameras that do not exist in PIX4Dmapper's camera database, the optimal internal camera parameters can be computed in the software while processing a good dataset. For more information:
Requests to add new camera models to the database can be sent to Technical Support.
** PIX4Dmatic has an internal camera database with precalibrated models but can process images from any camera model (RGB) as long as the images contain the necessary EXIF/XMP (metadata) tags. Requests to add new camera models to the database can be sent to Technical Support.
*** PIX4Dfields has an extensive internal camera database but can process images from any camera model (RGB, multispectral, thermal).
For camera models and resolutions that don't exist in the PIX4Dfields' database, it is still possible to process a dataset if a file with the internal camera parameters is provided. For more information: Your camera is not supported at this time - PIX4Dfields. Requests to add new camera models to the database can be sent to Technical Support.
**** PIX4Dreact has an extensive internal camera database but can process nadir images from any camera model (RGB).
For camera models and resolutions that don't exist in the PIX4Dreact's database, it is still possible to process a dataset if a file with the internal camera parameters is provided. For more information: Your camera is not supported at this time - PIX4Dreact. Requests to add new camera models to the database can be sent to Technical Support.
° PIX4Dcloud has an internal camera database but can process images from any camera model (RGB, multispectral). It can process thermal images and generate a reflectance map only when used in combination with PIX4Dmapper.
For cameras that do not exist in PIX4Dcloud's camera database, the software can potentially process the images and compute the optimal internal camera parameters provided that a good dataset is given as input (Enough images (100 - 300 images), non-planar scene (not all objects with the same height), high overlap and rich texture, several grid flights (at different heights) or oblique imagery with sufficient overlap, if possible, with GCPs).
°° PIX4Dinspect has an internal camera database but can process images from any camera model (RGB).
For cameras that do not exist in PIX4Dinspect's camera database, the software can potentially process the images and compute the optimal internal camera parameters provided that a good dataset is given as input (Enough images (100 - 300 images), non-planar scene (not all objects with the same height), high overlap and rich texture, several grid flights (at different heights) or oblique imagery with sufficient overlap).
°°° PIX4Dengine has an internal camera database but can process images from any camera model (RGB, multispectral, thermal).
For cameras that do not exist in PIX4Dengine's camera database, the software can potentially process the images and compute the optimal internal camera parameters provided that a good dataset is given as input (Enough images (100 - 300 images), non-planar scene (not all objects with the same height), high overlap and rich texture, several grid flights (at different heights) or oblique imagery with sufficient overlap, if possible with GCPs).