Getting started

A new project from A-Z - PIX4Dcatch


PIX4Dcatch is a mobile application for terrestrial 3D scans that allows anyone to easily acquire reality capture data and generate accurate 3D models. PIX4Dcatch utilizes available sensors from a mobile device (camera, LiDAR, IMU, GPS) and leverages its terrestrial photogrammetry algorithms while capturing data to create 3D models.

This article will show you the complete instructions on how to use PIX4Dcatch from A to Z. The main steps include installing the app, mounting the RTK rover to the mobile device (for Pix4D supported RTK devices users), connecting to the NTRIP provider (for Pix4D supported RTK devices users), exploring the user interface, capturing & processing a project, exploring the app settings and performing single point measurements.


To get started, you need the following:

  • A mobile device: iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone. To check the compatibility with the Pix4Dcatch application, please refer to this guide.
  • The Pix4Dcatch application
  • A Pix4D supported RTK devices (optional)
  • An SP connector compatible with your mobile device (optional)
  • An NTRIP service subscription or a GNSS base with NTRIP caster (optional)
  • An internet connection
  • PIX4Dmapper, PIX4Dmatic, or PIX4Dcloud license for processing. (PIX4Dmapper does not support LiDAR data)

Install Pix4Dcatch

To set up PIX4Dcatch:

  • Download the latest version of PIX4Dcatch for iOS and Android.

    google-play-badge itunes app store icon

  • Start PIX4Dcatch.
  • Select the Pix4Dcatch account icon icon on the screen.
  • In the Account Details, either create a new Pix4D account or log in with an existing Pix4D account.
  • Once PIX4Dcatch is installed on the device, it is ready to start capturing datasets with the integrated GNSS sensor or with RTK corrections.

Mount the Pix4D supported RTK devices to the Device

Connect PIX4Dcatch to a supported RTK device.

After the connection was initialized, you can proceed with the following steps mentioned in this article:

  • Set camera offset values
  • NTRIP credentials 
  • Select mountpoint
  • Select NTRIP CRS


PIX4Dcatch Overview

When opening the app, the home/capture screen is the primary interface.
At the top of the screen, the signal quality tab and user account options button are displayed.


At the bottom of the screen, the project folders and the following capture options are displayed:

  • The DARK.jpg button starts a capture
  • The pause.jpg button pauses a capture
  • The primary.jpg button saves a project capture
  • The cancel_circle.jpg button aborts a project capture


PIX4Dcatch_signal_tab.png Signal quality indicator

  • GPS Status
    Monitor the quality of cellular reception.
    • GPS_status_100.png 4 bars: Location accuracy less than 5m(16ft).
    • GPS_status_75.png 3 bars: Location accuracy between 5m(16ft) and 10m(33ft).
    • GPS_status_50.png 2 bars: Location accuracy between 10m(33ft) and 50m(164ft).
    • GPS_status_25.png 1 bar: Location accuracy greater than 50m(164ft).
    • GPS_status_0.png No bars: No GPS signal.
  • arrow_down.jpgGPS Sensor / Bluetooth selection
    • Integrated GPS Sensor: Default selection using the internal GPS for geolocation.
    • Pix4D supported RTK devices via Bluetooth: Select when connecting Pix4D supported RTK devices RTK rover.

PIX4Dcatch_account_options.png Account settings


Account details

  • Create Account: Access form for new users to create an account.
  • Log in: Access form for existing account holders to log in.


  • View Onboarding: View onboarding slides.
  • Documentation: Opens the PIX4Dcatch documentation page to access learning materials.
  • Community: Opens the PIX4Dcatch Community page.
  • Pix4D Terms and Policies: List of Pix4D terms and policies.
  • Third Party licenses: List of third-party licenses.
  • App Usage Disclaimer: Access the PIX4Dcatch App Usage Disclaimer.
  • The installed version of the PIX4Dcatch app.

Live_preview_button.png Live Preview


iOS and Android users who have LiDAR or ToF sensors in their devices can use the Live Preview feature to gain insight into what is being captured.

  • Map_view.png Top view: Full view of the project area.
  • POV_view.png First-person view: Focused view from the camera perspective.
  • Cancel_preview.png Cancel: Close the Live Preview window.
  • point_cloud.png Point Cloud: View the points collected.
  • camera_position.png Cameras: Show the camera positions.



file_blk.jpg Projects


  • Search projects using keywords.
  • Filter projects by type.
    • Captured
    • Processed
    • Processing
    • All
  • The number of projects.
  • Select multiple projects for deletion.

Each project thumbnail contains unique information including the number of images, upload status, project name, and capture date. Tap and hold a project to access the project menu allowing further actions.


  • Rename: Rename the project
  • Upload: Upload to PIX4Dcloud
  • Export all data: Export the entire project to save or process locally.
  • Export captured point cloud (PLY): Exports the collected point cloud from devices with LiDAR or TOF sensors. (This is not used in processing but for visualization in the Live Preview)
  • Export captured mesh (OBJ): Export the collected mesh when selected.
  • Export Logs: Exports the current log files documenting internal aspects of the entire project. It is important to export logs soon after a potential issue as they can be overwritten with new information.
  • Delete: Deletes the project.

GCP_management.png GCP management

Note: We recommend using this feature with the Pix4D supported RTK devices for cm accuracy.


From the GCP management dialog window, it is possible to:

  • See the number of collections.
  • PIX4Dcatch_GCP_list_map_view_toggle.png Toggle between list and map views.
  • List of existing collections.
    • coordinateSystem_icon.jpg Input coordinate reference system.
    • gcp.png The number of measured points in the collection.
  • New_GCP_collection.png Start a new GCP collection.

Select a collection for the list of points measured.


  • export.jpg Export GCP collection. Complete(full information) and PIX4Dmatic-based files(for direct import to PIX4Dmatic), along with logs are exported.
  • Collection name
  • The number of measured points currently in the collection.
  • PIX4Dcatch_GCP_list_map_view_toggle.png Toggle list and map views
  • Collected points.
    • PIX4Dcatch_measured_GCP.jpg
    • Point name.
    • RTK/GPS tag.
    • Horizontal and vertical accuracies.
    • Coordinates measured.
    • calendar.png Date measured.
    • timer.png Measurement duration.
  • New_GCP_button.png Measure a new GCP.
  • Output coordinate reference system for the GCP collection.

settings_button.jpg Settings


Use the Settings dialog to adjust and customize features within the PIX4Dcatch app.

For detailed information: Settings - PIX4Dcatch.

Capture a Project

Capture a Project with a supported RTK device

If you are using an RTK rover, you need to wait for the status RTK Fixed. The number appearing on top of the signal window indicates the number of satellites used in the connection. For an optimal experience, make sure the antenna is not obstructed and that you have a good internet connection.

Important: The positioning accuracy of RTK projects is a few centimeters.


Capture a Project with GNSS/GPS

If you are using the standard GPS of your mobile device, you are now ready to start capturing a project.

Important: The positioning accuracy of GPS projects is a few meters.

Capture Plan

Illustration showing better practices when capturing


  1. Tap the record button record button and slowly move the device to start capturing. The app will automatically start capturing images based on the selected settings.
  2. If necessary, tap the pause button pause button to pause the recording. Tap the record button record button to start recording again.
    Important: Use the pause button only when necessary, and return close to where the pause was initiated.
  3. iOS and Android users who have LiDAR or ToF sensors in their devices can use the Live Preview feature to gain insight into what is being captured.



  4. After the capture is complete, tap save button to save the captured project. The cancel button cancel button can be used to abort a project while capturing.
  5. After tapping the save button button, a capture report will be displayed for reviewing the overall project quality. The following information is displayed:
    • Project Name.
    • Images Image icon - Number of images taken for the capture.
    • center button Tap to center the project.
    • layer button Tap to access:
      • cameras button Toggle the camera positions visibility.
      • pointcloud button Toggle Sparse point cloud. Available for devices with a TOF and/or LiDAR sensor. Tie points will be displayed for devices without these sensors.
      • close button Close the menu.

    PIX4Dcatch RTK quality report

  6. After tapping Save, the project is created and stored on the device.
Process the Images

Upload to PIX4Dcloud / PIX4Dcloud Advanced

For fast results, uploading and processing to PIX4Dcloud / PIX4Dcloud Advanced can be done at the simple click of a button and provide quick shareable 3D reconstructions.

Important: A PIX4Dcloud or PIX4Dcloud Advanced license is required to upload the project for cloud processing. For more information, please check our offers.
Tip: If a PIX4Dcatch project has at least three marked Tags or GCPs, cloud processing will consider them automatically to improve accuracy. For more information: How to use Automatic Tag Detection and Manual GCP Marking - PIX4Dcatch RTK

Upload from the Project View

PIX4Dcatch trench captured project

It is possible to upload directly to PIX4Dcloud / PIX4Dcloud Advanced for processing after capturing the project. In the project view, do the following:

  1. At the top of the screen, tap the blue Upload button upload button.
  2. To select the project processing options, please click here.
  3. After all images are uploaded and processing begins, a first email notification is sent.
  4. After the processing is finished, a second email notification is sent.
  5. The processed results can be viewed directly in the app and shared on PIX4Dcloud.

Upload from the Project Dashboard

It is also possible to upload directly to PIX4Dcloud / PIX4Dcloud Advanced from the project dashboard. The project dashboard lists all of the projects taken on the mobile device.

  1. Tap the folder icon project folder icon to access the project dashboard.
  2. Tap and hold on the desired project to access the menu.
  3. Tap Upload. PIX4Dcatch upload cloud icon
  4. To select the project processing options, please click here.
  5. After all images are uploaded and processing begins, a first email notification is sent.
  6. After the processing is finished, a second email notification is sent.
  7. The processed results can be viewed directly in the app and shared on PIX4Dcloud.

PIX4Dcatch Projects menu

Upload Processing Options

After tapping Upload, the Upload Dataset window appears providing further processing options: Account and Organization, Project Cost and Account Balance, Cloud Processing Options. Each option is described in the table below.


Processing Options


New Dataset | Site
The captured project can be uploaded as a New Dataset or it can be assigned to an existing Site if a PIX4Dcloud Advanced license is available. To select a site, switch to the tab Assign to. For more information, please refer to Drive - Pix4DCloud.
Account and Organization
If you are a member of more than one organization, you can upload the dataset to a specific organization and use their credits, as well as assign the dataset to one of the sites belonging to that organization. For more information, please refer to Organization Support.
Project Cost and Account Balance
New users who upload a captured project directly from the app get a free PIX4Dcloud Advanced trial license with 40 credits that can be used for processing. For more information about the credit system, please refer to PIX4Dcloud / PIX4Dcloud Advanced credit balance system.
Cloud Processing Options
  1. Measure Volumes and Elevation Profiles: Select the option to generate a DSM.
  2. 2D Map: Select the option to generate an Orthomosaic.
  3. Output CRS: Select the output coordinate reference system (CRS) to use. If GCPs are included in the project, this option will locked to the GCPs' CRS.
    • Auto-Detected: the default option, automatically detected
    • Known CRS: select a specific CRS
    • Site Localization: select a local coordinate system
Note: When capturing a project with a LiDAR-capable device, the depth data will be processed automatically. For a list of compatible devices and for more information about how PIX4Dcatch uses LiDAR data, please refer to PIX4Dcatch FAQ.

Process Locally with PIX4Dmapper or PIX4Dmatic

  1. Export the project files from PIX4Dcatch. For more information, please refer to How to export PIX4Dcatch projects (iOS/Android).
  2. Create a new project and start processing.
  3. (optional) Import Ground Control Points. For a detailed description of GCPs, please refer to Tie Points (GCPs, MTPs, and CPs).
  4. You can also upload the results to PIX4Dsurvey or PIX4Dcloud. For more information, please refer to How to import a PIX4Dmatic project into PIX4Dsurvey or How to upload or replace results to PIX4Dcloud.
  5. After the processing is finished, the results are available for further analysis in third-party reality capture/CAD/BIM software.
Warning: A PIX4Dmapper or PIX4Dmatic license (trial, discovery, OTC, monthly, and yearly) with a valid Support & Upgrade (S&U) is required to export the project data from Pix4Dcatch.
Tip: PIX4Dmatic can process PIX4Dcatch projects with marked GCPs if the project includes at least two marked GCPs. For more information: How to use automatic Tag Detection and manual GCP marking - PIX4Dcatch RTK
Tip: PIX4Dmatic can process PIX4Dcatch projects with LiDAR depth data using the Depth and dense fusion option, as well as having a Sky filter and Noise filter which benefits oblique imagery.

Single Point Measurements

For an offline and printable version of this information: PIX4Dcatch & Pix4D supported RTK devices Quick Start Guide.