How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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How to import files and start processing - PIX4Dfields

This article explains how to import files into PIX4Dfields to start processing.

Import satellite images

The first option when starting a project is to import Satellite data. Click Download to be able to access Sentinel 2 data. For more information: Satellite data in PIX4Dfields.


Import drone images

To import images captured by drone:

1. Click Images to select several images or click Import folder to import a complete folder at once.

Note: It is possible to import images (.tif, .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg). For more information: Inputs and outputs.

2. Select the images or folder and click Open.
3. In PIX4Dfields, projects with RGB, multispectral or thermal images can be created.

4. The Processing options menu appears. To find out more information about these settings please go Processing options. After selecting the desired Processing options, click Apply

5. Click Import images or Import folder in case more images need to be added.

Note: If a camera is not supported in Pix4Dfields, it can still be processed. For more information: Your camera is not supported at this time - PIX4Dfields

The IMPORT DETAILS of the images including location, size of the dataset, and acquisition time and date appear on the left sidebar. If importing multispectral images a message will display stating whether reflectance targets could be found.

6. A settings icon will appear beside the Start processing button. Click on it in case the Processing options need to be changed.

Process images

To process the images and create an orthomosaic:

1. To begin the process click Start processing.
2. The import and image stitching processes begin, the layer will read Orthomosaic (processing...).
3. The progress bar will display the messages "Importing images...", "Bundle adjustment...", and "Stitching images..." and the progress percentage showing the current process.
4. (optional) Click the STOP PROCESSING icon at the bottom right corner to stop the stitching images process.
5. Once processing is completed, bellow LAYERS click the name of the Orthomosaic or the Surface Model to display them on the satellite map interface.

Note: After creating a project, it is possible to import and process imagery from multiple drone flights in a single project. Each processed flight will be a separate layer. To process additional flights click on import_fields.png import after finishing the first processing.
Note: Try PIX4Dfields now! Register for a free 15 days trial, and download our Example datasets to learn how easy it is process imagery.

Import an orthomosaic as GeoTiff

An orthomosaic can be imported by selecting GeoTIff under Other Map.