
Menu View > rayCloud > Left sidebar > Layers > Rays - PIX4Dmapper

Access: On the Menu bar, click View > rayCloud to open the rayCloud. The Layers section in the left sidebar is displayed on the left of the main window.

Note: Even if the layer Rays is selected, if the layer Cameras is not selected, the rays will not be visible.

The Cameras layer contains the following sub-layer:

  • Display Properties: Displays properties for all the rays.

Display Properties

The following properties can be edited:

  • Computed Ray Color: Selects the ray color for the projection lines between the selected 3D point and the calibrated cameras where the 3D point was visible but not marked, crossing the thumbnail in the 3D point where the point is found in the original image.
  • Marked Ray Color: Selects the ray color for the projection lines between the selected 3D point and the calibrated cameras where the 3D point was marked, crossing the thumbnail in the point where the 3D point is found in the original image.
  • Uncalibrated Ray Color: Selects the ray color for the projection lines between the selected 3D point and the not calibrated cameras.
  • Show Non Marked Rays: View/hide the rays for calibrated cameras where the 3D point was visible but not marked.
  • Show Uncalibrated Rays: View/hide the rays for uncalibrated cameras.