
Menu Process > Reoptimize - PIX4Dmapper

This PIX4Dmapper article clarifies when and how the process of reoptimizing the internal and external camera parameters should be used.

Access: On the Menu bar, click Process > Reoptimize (enabled once step 1. Initial Processing has been completed).

Reoptimize in PIX4Dmapper

This process reoptimizes the internal and external camera parameters. It should be used when changes have been applied to the project after step 1. Initial Processing has been completed. Such changes can be:

  • Adding GCPs.
  • Adding Manual Tie points.
  • Adding Check points.
  • Changing coordinate systems.
  • Disable images.
Important: Disabled or uncalibrated cameras will not be taken into account. For more information about how to calibrate uncalibrated cameras: How to manually calibrate uncalibrated Cameras in the rayCloud.
  • Results generated during step 1. Initial Processing are overwritten.
  • The Quality Report is deleted. To generate a new Quality Report: Menu Process > Generate Quality Report.
  • If step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh and step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic, and Index have been processed, their results files will be deleted, so these files should be backed up.