Access: On the Menu bar, click Process.
The following items can be selected:
- Reoptimize: Reoptimizes the camera positions using information from GCPs/ Manual Tie Points that are added after step 1. Initial Processing.
- Rematch and Optimize: Computes more matches between the images (and therefore more Automatic Tie Points) and reoptimizes the internal and external camera parameters.
- Quality Report...: Opens the Quality Report in a new window.
- Open Results Folder...: Opens an explorer window with the path where the project outputs are stored.
- Output Status...: Shows the status of the generated output files.
- Generate Quality Report: Generates a new Quality Report according to the new reconstruction obtained after applying changes to the project after step 1. Initial Processing.
- Save Undistorted Images: Generates and saves an undistorted copy of each original image using the optimized distortion camera parameters.
- Run Point Cloud Classification: Generates a point cloud classification using the densified point cloud that is generated during step 2. Point Cloud and Mesh.
- Generate 3D Textured Mesh: Generates a 3D Textured Mesh based on triangles using a simplified densified point cloud.
- Import Point Cloud for DSM Generation...: Allows the user to import a point cloud that will be used to generate the DSM and orthomosaic.
- Generate DTM: Generates a DTM based on the DSM and a mask representing the terrain/objects.
- Generate Contour Lines (DSM): Generates the contour lines specified in the Processing Options using the raster DSM.
- Generate Contour Lines (DTM): Generates the contour lines specified in the Processing Options using the raster DTM, if it has been generated.
- Send Elevation Data (DSM) to eMotion: (only if senseFly eMotion is installed) Sends a DSM generated in PIX4Dmapper to eMotion.
- Send Map to eMotion: (only if senseFly eMotion is installed) Sends an orthomosaic generated in PIX4Dmapper to eMotion.
- Processing Options...: Opens a pop-up that allows the user to select the processing options and/or the processing options template.