
Menu View > Mosaic Editor > View - PIX4Dmapper

Access: On the Menu bar, click View > Mosaic Editor, in the Mosaic Editor, on the Menu bar click Mosaic Editor and select the menu option View ( available only if step 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index has been completed and both the GeoTIFF DSM and the GeoTIFF orthomosaic have been generated).


The View options affect the Mosaic View. The following options are available:

Show Mosaic [Group]

This option is selected by default.

It displays the mosaic generated using the images that belong to the corresponding group. The default group is group1. For more information about the image groups: Menu Project > Image Properties Editor... > Images Table.

The mosaic can be edited by creating regions and by assigning another image to them or selecting another projection for each region. The edited mosaic will be edited and visualized in real time. Once the editing has been completed, the mosaic needs to be exported in order to generate the new output files for the mosaic.


Show DSM

It displays the DSM using by default an RGB color map for the altitude values.


Show Region

This option is activated by default. It displays the drawn Regions.


Show Edited Mosaic

This option is activated by default. It displays the edited mosaic.

When it is not activated, the Mosaic View displays the content of the mosaic stored in file.

Where to activate/deactivate the Show Edited Mosaic

Show Processing Area

This option is deactivated by default. It displays the Processing Area, which is the area for which the Orthomosaic is generated.

For more information about the Processing Area: Menu View > rayCloud > Left sidebar > Layers > Processing Area.


Show Mosaic Tiles

This option is deactivated by default. It displays the GeoTIFF mosaic tiles that will be generated when exporting the mosaic. When the Processing Area is modified, the mosaic tiles are modified as well.
