
Error e0046: "Processing failed." - PIX4Dmapper


a. "Processing failed. No calibrated cameras."
b. "Processing failed. Cannot compute the average ground sampling distance (GSD)."
c. "Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open file for writing."
d. "Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open image."
e. "Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot write to image."
f. "Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot read from rect [...]."
g. "Processing failed. Invalid output coordinate system."
h. "Processing failed. Could not start calibration."
i. "Processing failed. Only n%.images have geolocation."
j. "Processing failed. Generating thumbnail: cannot read from image."
k. "Processing failed. Cannot open image."
l. "Processing failed. The images and GCPs do not lie in the same area."
m. "Processing failed. Cannot convert the GCPs coordinate system to the output coordinate system."
n. "Processing failed. Incompatible camera models."


When processing step 1. Initial Processing, the processing stops and one of the above messages: e0046: "Processing failed." is displayed.


a. No calibrated images, b. Cannot compute the average ground sampling distance (GSD).

No cameras could be calibrated. Possible causes:

  • The image quality is not sufficient (blurry images, no texture, etc.).
  • There is no overlap between the images.
  • The camera model associated to the cameras is not correct.
  • The image geolocation or coordinate system is not correct.
  • The GCP geolocation or coordinate system is not correct.

c. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open file for writing.

File is a grayscale image that is generated during step 1. Initial Processing.
This file could not be opened for writing because the target directory does not exist or does not have write permission.

d. Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open image.

File is the name of an image of the project.
The image could not be opened because the image does not exist or the image file has no read permission.

e. Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot write to image.

File is a grayscale image that is generated during step 1. Initial Processing.
The image file could be opened but could not be written.

f. Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized images: cannot read from <filename> rect [...].

Possible causes:

  • The image file could be opened but not be read because the file is corrupted.
  • rect is the coordinates of the rectangle defining the image. If the image needs to be tiled, it contains the coordinates of the image tile. If the coordinates are outside of the images size, the file cannot be read.

g. Processing failed. Invalid output coordinate system.

There is no transformation between image and output coordinate system or GCP and output coordinate system.

h. Processing failed. Could not start calibration.

The Alternative Processing Mode (Menu Process > Processing Options... > 1. Initial Processing > General) is used and could not start calibrating the images because:

  • The image quality is not sufficient (blurry images, no texture, etc.).
  • There is no overlap between the images.
  • The image geolocation is not correct.

i. Processing failed. Only n% images have geolocation.

The Alternative Processing Mode (Menu Process > Processing Options... > 1. Initial Processing > Calibration) is used and there are not enough geolocated images.

j. Processing failed. Generating thumbnail: cannot read from image.

File is the name of an image of the project. The image file is corrupted.

k. Processing failed. Cannot open image.

File is the name of an image of the project. The image could not be opened because the image does not exist or the image file has no read permission.

l. Processing failed. The images and GCPs do not lie in the same area.

The images and GCPs do not lie in the same area. This can be due to:

  • Incorrect image geolocation / coordinate system.
  • Incorrect GCP geolocation / coordinate system.

m. Processing failed. Cannot convert the GCPs coordinate system to the output coordinate system.

The transformation between the GCP coordinate system and the output coordinate system does not exist or the coordinates are not correct.

n. Processing failed. Incompatible camera models.

The camera model is not compatible with the images.

Example: The camera model has 1 band but the images have 3 bands.


a. No calibrated images, b. Cannot compute the average ground sampling distance (GSD).

c. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open file for writing.

Verify that the target directory exists and has write permission.

d. Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot open image.

Verify that the image exists and that the image file has read permission.

e. Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot write to image.

Verify that the disk is not full.

f. Processing failed. Generating grayscale normalized image: cannot read from rect [...].

  • Verify that the image file is not corrupted.
  • Verify that the rectangle is not outside the image size.

g. Processing failed. Invalid output coordinate system.

h. Processing failed. Could not start calibration.

i. Processing failed. Only n% images have geolocation.

Verify that at least 75% of the images have good geolocation. For more information: How to verify that at least 75% of the Images have good Geolocation

j. Processing failed. Generating thumbnail: cannot read from image.

Verify that the image file is not corrupted.

k. Processing failed. Cannot open image.

Verify that the image exists and that the image file has read permission.

l. Processing failed. The images and GCPs do not lie in the same area.

m. Processing failed. Cannot convert the GCPs coordinate sytsem to the output coordinate system.

n. Processing failed. Incompatible camera models.

Verify that the camera model associated to the camera is correct. For more information: How to verify that the Camera Model associated to the Camera is Correct.