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How to use annotations for trial plot operations - PIX4Dfields


This article explains how to use annotations in PIX4Dfields using trial plots as an example.
The annotation tool can help with trial plot operations by calculating statistics such as areas, lengths, and mean index values. This tool can also import geotagged images of fields and areas of interest

Tip: To learn more about trial plot operations using PIX4Dfields see the workflow in the following video:



Note: Try PIX4Dfields now! Register for a free 15 days trial, and download our Example datasets to learn how easy it is to create annotations in PIX4Dfields.

Import an annotation as Geometry file (GeoJSON, KML, Shapefile)

Annotations are imported into the layer that is currently selected. To import annotations :
  1. Go to the Annotations tab on the right board.
  2. Click on Import geometry or images.
  3. To read the name of each polygon, the column should be called "name" or "title".
  4. Choose Geometry files to import as an annotation.
  5. Click Open.
Tip: To read the name of each polygon, the column should be called "name" or "title". This will import each polygon with the proper name.

Import shapes

Note: A multipart polygon can be exploded into single annotations. Each individual annotation will be its own layer. To do so click the Create single polygons in the edit annotation dialogue box.

Multipart polygon

Import geotagged images as annotations

To import geotagged images:

  1. Go to the Annotations tab on the right board.
  2. Click on Import geometry or images.
  3. Choose one image or many images with geolocation data to import.
  4. Click Open.
  5. The images will be imported and created as annotations, which contain the imported image as an attachment.
  6. The attachment is visible on the map as a thumbnail

Create annotations directly on the map layer

To add annotations to a layer:

  1. Click on the Annotation tool icon in the top-left corner of the map layer.
  2. Chose a Point, Line,  Area annotation or MultiPoint .
  3. Left-click to add each new vertex or a new point.
  4. When creating an Area, after the third vertex, a set of tools appear:


  5. Click the Add holes icon to take out any unwanted objects inside your annotation:

    Adding Holes

  6. When done, click the Checkmark.
  7. Click the Add Sub Polygon icon to create a separated polygon on the same Area annotation:
  8. When done, click the Checkmark.
  9. Add a Title (mandatory) and Description (optional) and Image (optional) to the annotation.
  10. Click Save.
Note: Point annotations displays the coordinates of a point, line annotations measure the length, and polygon annotations measure the area. For more information: Measurement tool.
Tip: Area annotations deliver statistical insights. For example, an area annotation on a vegetation index layer delivers the mean index value for the zone within the polygon. For example:


Copy/convert annotations

To copy or convert:

  1. Select the annotation you want to duplicate/convert and click the Copy icon:
  2. Choose Duplicate, Copy or Convert to Boundary/obstacle.
  3. A new annotation is created. The original file you duplicated from stays untouched.
Save Magic Tool detections as annotations

In the final step of the Magic tool, it's possible to convert the detections to Area annotations.

Edit an annotation

  1. Double-click the annotation to edit in the annotation tab on the right board or directly on the map. Or click the edit icon next to the annotation object on the right board.
  2. Click the edit icon in the edit annotation dialogue box.


  3. Drag and drop an area or line with the arrow cross icon or directly in case of point annotation to relocate it.
    • For lines and areas:
      • Drag the white dots to modify the area or line.
      • Click the "plus" sign to create more vertices.
      • To remove a vertex, click and drag a vertex on top of another vertex. Wait until a red halo appears around the selected vertex then release the mouse button. This will delete a vertex.
  4. Click the checkmark to accept the edited area, line, or point geometry, or click the X to cancel and leave the annotation unchanged.
  5. Add a description in the description part of the annotation dialogue box.
  6. Images can be attached.
  7. Save the edited annotation with the Save button.

Export an annotation

To export an annotation:

  1. Click the Export button at the top right corner of the top bar.
  2. Under Export, click Annotations.


  3. Under Select layer, choose the annotation layer to export.
  4. Select the annotation(s) to export.
  5. Choose a format.
  6. Click Export. Navigate to the export folder. In the File name, write the name of the file.

Export annotation statistics

Statistics about annotations can be exported. Please visit: PIX4Dfields statistics.

Annotation upload to Share to PIX4Dcloud

Annotations can be shared over the internet by using Share to PIX4Dcloud. One single annotation layer is supported per upload. For more information: Share to PIX4Dcloud.