Getting started

Trial, sign-up, login - PIX4Dfields



How to get a trial of PIX4Dfields

Both new and existing PIX4D accounts are eligible for a 15-day free subscription to PIX4Dfields.

The trial is activated when logging in to PIX4Dfields for the first time.

Sign up

To create a Pix4D user account:

1. Go to the sign up page.
2. Complete the sign up form.


3. Review and accept the Terms Of Service, and Software EULA.
4. Review and accept the Privacy Policy.
5. Click Continue.
6. Review the Privacy Settings.
7. Click Save.

Important: When the sign up is completed, click the activate account button in the email sent to the selected email address and start using Pix4D products.


To obtain the installer, visit the Download software page. Log in with the dedicated account to access the page. To read how to install PIX4Dfields: Download and Installation - PIX4Dfields.

Log in

Use an existing PIX4D account to login into the software.

  1. Enter the Email Address and Password.
  2. Click Log in.


4. If logging in for the first time, an automatic Free 15 day trial subscription is generated.


5. Select the available license by clicking on it.

6. Click Next.

Exports are not available for trial licenses. To enable export functionalities, upgrade to a paid license plan. After purchasing a license, make sure you assign it to the same Pix4D account. This will allow you to see the projects that were processed using the previous Trial license. 

Simply log out and log in again, selecting the recently purchased license.

Important: It is not possible to remotely deactivate a device activated with your PIX4Dfields license. To deactivate a device, log out manually from the application.
Note: If you have issues while logging in to PIX4Dfields, visit: Failed to authenticate. If need assistance deactivating a device, contact our PIX4D technical support team.