Getting started

New dataset > Processing options - PIX4Dcloud


Create a new dataset to start processing imagery, and create maps and digital twins of the reality or upload outputs to PIX4Dcloud.

Access: To select the project template, navigate to step 4 of the project wizard.


1.Dataset creation     > 2. Image selection  > 3.Output coordinate system                        > 4.Processing options           > 5. GCPs automation
This step allows the user to select a processing template for the project. Different processing templates are available:
  • Nadir Flight (3D maps): It is ideal for aerial RGB images acquired using a grid flight plan with high overlap, mostly oriented towards the ground. Typical applications are quarries, cadasters, etc.
    • Flat terrain: Ideal for RGB aerial images acquired using a grid flight plan with high overlap on flat terrain, for example, agricultural fields.
  • Oblique Flight (3D models): Ideal for any RGB images with a high amount of overlap, such as oblique aerial images (free flight). Application examples are 3D models of buildings, objects, inspection, etc.


Once the processing template has been selected:

  1. Select the types of outputs: Choose one or more outputs (point cloud, mesh, orthomosaic, or DSM) to be generated during the project processing. By default, all outputs are selected.
  2. (For PIX4Dcloud users) Select Create to finalize the dataset creation. The upload of the inputs starts.
    (For PIX4Dcloud Advanced users) Select Next and follow the instructions for step 5. GCPs automation.