Targeted Operations

How to export field boundaries for DJI Agras T-Series in PIX4Dfields

When planning an application mission for spraying drones, accurately locating boundaries and obstacles is essential.
Use PIX4Dfields to mark the perimeter and obstacles, then import this information into the DJI Agras T-series spraying drones.

Create and export a boundary

  1. Click Boundaries.
  2. Click the Draw boundaries icon.
  3. Select Boundary.
  4. Add Obstacles if needed. 

After creating the boundary, create a Targeted Operation by clicking Operation.

  1. Select Do not pre-fill grid cells.
  2. Select the Base layer and the Boundary.
  3. Set Units and Name of the Operation.
  4. Ignore the grid creation and click Continue
  5. Assign a rate, which can be changed in the remote controller as well.
  6. Click Fill all empty cells and select 1. Rate.

  7. Final operation:222
  8. Go to Export, Operations, DJI boundary mission. 

Import boundary into DJI Agras controller

After exporting the desired format from PIX4Dfields:

  • Copy-paste it into the SD card.
  • Remove the SD card from the laptop and insert it into the DJI controller. Then, power on the controller.
  • Click on the SD Card icon, and choose Shapefile.



  • Select the proper boundary and click Import.
  • The boundary is imported and the application can be planned:WhatsApp Image 2024-09-03 at 13.40.56