How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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  3. How to... (step-by-step instructions)

Share to PIX4Dcloud - PIX4Dmatic


Share to PIX4Dcloud is a feature of PIX4Dmatic that makes it easy to share a project or part of one with just a web link. The depth, dense, and fused point cloud, Mesh, DSM, and Orthomosaic can be uploaded to PIX4Dcloud when logged in with a valid PIX4Dmatic license. All layers will be stored in PIX4Dcloud, with shareable URL links that can be obtained during and after the upload.

Share to PIX4Dcloud requirements
  • This feature is available for PIX4Dmatic version 1.36.0 or above. A valid PIX4Dmatic license is required, such as a trial, monthly, yearly, and perpetual with active Support and Upgrade (S&U).
  • A PIX4Dcloud license is not needed to use the Share to PIX4Dcloud option.
  • PIX4Dmatic monthly billing subscribers can create 1 project per month.
  • PIX4Dmatic yearly billing subscribers and perpetual license users with active S&U can create up to 12 projects per year.
  • PIX4Dmatic trial license holders can create 1 project during the trial period.
  • The Storage expiration policy for PIX4Dcloud applies.
How to use Share to PIX4Dcloud

To upload and share to PIX4Dcloud:

  • From the File menu select the Share to PIX4Dcloud... option or click on the Share button Share To PIX4Dcloud, found at the top-right corner of the PIX4Dmatic window.
Note: The Share to Cloud feature will be disabled when the project consists of images only.
  • Select the outputs for upload to PIX4Dcloud. The outputs that are available for upload are Images, Depth point cloud (for LiDAR PIX4Dcatch projects only), Dense point cloud, Depth & dense fusion (for LiDAR PIX4Dcatch projects only), Mesh, Digital surface model DSM, and Orthomosaic.

    Important: All the point clouds in a project are merged into a single point cloud for the upload. The newly uploaded point cloud will always replace the previous one. The number of uploaded projects and the total number of projects that can be uploaded to PIX4Dcloud are displayed on the top of the Share to PIX4Dcloud dialog window.
  • [Optional] If the same project was already uploaded in the past, the sharing links will appear on the Share to PIX4Dcloud dialog window. It is possible to enable or disable them using the toggle switch Toggle switch on. Enabled sharing links can be copied using the text field and the Ctrl+C or ⌘ +C keyboard combination or the copy button copy.

  • Click Upload. After a successful upload, the PIX4Dcloud project link is displayed in a pop-up window.

    PIX4Dmatic share to PIX4Dcloud uploaded
    Tip: You can revoke the validity of a sharing link by opening File > Share to PIX4Dcloud and turn off the toggle(s) Toggle switch off.
    Tip: Changes to the shareable links can be made from within PIX4Dcloud. Once logged into, select Share PIX4Dcloud share tool from the top-right menu bar and enable Anyone with the link can view and measure or Anyone with the link can edit and save depending on the project needs. For more information: Share a PIX4Dcloud project.
  • Every upload creates a new PIX4Dcloud project if:
    • The project was never uploaded before.
    • The project's coordinates system has changed.
    • The cloud project was erased.
  • Each project can contain a single-point cloud. If a PIX4Dmatic file contains two or more point clouds, these will be merged and uploaded as a single point cloud.
  • The link between PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dcloud is unidirectional. Changes in PIX4Dcloud will not be reflected in the PIX4Dmatic project.
  • Both the 2D and 3D views are available for projects uploaded from PIX4Dmatic.
  • PIX4Dcloud Advanced features are not included unless the user owns a PIX4Dcloud Advanced license.
  • Uploading PIX4Dmatic outputs does not consume PIX4Dcloud credits.