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How to process PIX4Dcatch datasets in PIX4Dmatic


PIX4Dcatch is a powerful tool for terrestrial data acquisition that combines the following to get the most out of your mobile device:

PIX4Dmatic is well suited to process these datasets and has incorporated many features to combine and take advantage of the unique qualities of these sources.

*Note: Currently, LiDAR support is only available from LiDAR-capable iPhones and iPads. For more information: PIX4Dcatch FAQ - What are the recommended devices?
How to import a PIX4Dcatch dataset into PIX4Dmatic

With a completed PIX4Dcatch project on a mobile device, it is ready to be exported and processed using PIX4Dmatic.

  1. From the PIX4Dcatch app, Pix4Dcatch logo open the project to be processed in PIX4Dmatic.
  2. Export the project from the mobile device by tapping Export all data export.jpg and save to a local folder.

    PIX4Dcatch project dialog

    For more information: Export PIX4Dcatch Data (iOS/Android).

  3. Extract the project data to a new directory.
  4. Open PIX4Dmatic PIX4Dmatic logo light.
  5. To create a new project, import the project data. The _inputs folder contains all the captured data and is aptly named projectname_inputs. Different files will be visible in this folder depending on the device used for capture.

    Projects captured with LiDAR capable devices.

    Confidence DepthMap jpg tags

    When importing projects taken with LiDAR capable devices, import all Confidence.tiffs, DepthMap.tiffs, and Image.jpgs. The Confidence.tiff and DepthMap.tiff files represent the LiDAR depth data, while the Image.jpg files represent the image content.

    Projects without LiDAR data

    jpg tag

    When importing projects captured without a LiDAR capable device, the _inputs folder contains the Image.jpgs reflecting the image content.

    PIX4Dmatic drag drop start new project

    Projects with GCPs

    Projects with Auto Tag Detection or manual marking of GCPs can be easily processed in PIX4Dmatic. To do so, the Point Collection and markings need to be imported into the project. Both datasets are available in the ZIP file.

    1. Click the tie_points.jpg Tie points (0) tab on the lower right of the screen to expand the tab. Click the dropdown menu Pix4D_more_icon.png
    2. Import GCPs...
      Browse for the file: ./GCPs/PointCollection/COLLECTIONNAME-PIX4Dmatic.csv
      Select the output coordinate system and the format. For more information, see: How to import tie point files (GCPs and Checkpoints) - PIX4Dmatic
    3. Import marks...
      Browse for the file: marks-PIX4Dmatic.csv

    Finally, the Tie points tab includes the GCPs, and the marks are loaded on the images.

How to process a PIX4Dcatch dataset in PIX4Dmatic

With a new project opened and all the data imported, PIX4Dmatic is ready for processing. In most cases, the default processing options can be used to process PIX4Dcatch projects. There are a few PIX4Dcatch-specific settings to select and are highlighted in each section.


Calibrate is the first step in processing. A good starting point is to select the PIX4Dcatch template with the Trusted location and orientation pipeline.

PIX4Dcatch processing template calibrate

Use depth maps are available and activated by default for projects captured with LiDAR depth data. This can be toggled off if desired. When enabled, the depth maps generated with PIX4Dcatch are used for better calibration.

Note: Using PIX4Dcatch data that contains supplemental LiDAR data can help eliminate GNSS and IMU drift. For more information: PIX4Dmatic: combined LiDAR and photogrammetry workflow.

Depth point cloud

PIX4Dmatic Depth point cloud checkbox

The Depth point cloud is generated from LiDAR depth maps. This option is only available for PIX4Dcatch projects captured with a LiDAR-capable device.

Tip: The generation of the depth point cloud is typically faster than running the Densify step to generate a dense point cloud. Running the Depth point cloud step can give a quick insight into the quality and completeness of the project. It can also be combined with the dense point cloud to get a more complete fused point cloud. Refer to Depth and dense fusion for more information.


PIX4Dmatic densify dialog

The Densify step generates a dense point cloud from the images. Besides the default settings, there are two optional selections to make that can directly benefit PIX4Dcatch projects. They are the Noise and Sky filters.

  • Noise Filter

    Noise filter processing option provides a cleaner point clouds for datasets with oblique images.

    It filters out points that are generated far away from images for example, features that are visible on images but are far on the horizon will not be reconstructed. 

    Example: When the Noise filter is enabled for a cell tower project, points that are far away from the images do not get reconstructed.



  • Sky Filter

    Sky filter processing option removes points in a dense point cloud associated with sky.

    The feature is especially useful for datasets that contain sky in images, for example:

    • Terrestrial datasets acquired with PIX4Dcatch.
    • Inspection datasets acquired with PIX4Dscan. 

    PIX4Dmatic sky filter

    Important: The Sky filter processing option significantly increases the processing time. We recommend using it only for datasets that contain a lot of sky in images.

Depth & dense fusion

The Depth & dense fusion option combines the point cloud generated from images with the one generated from LiDAR depth maps.

PIX4Dmatic Depth and dense fusion

The fused point cloud is often denser and more complete in areas where traditional photogrammetry may struggle to reconstruct complex geometries or homogeneous textures.


Select to generate a 3D mesh. The Input and Template fields have PIX4Dcatch-specific selections to make.

PIX4Dmatic mesh options dialog

  • Input

    When processing PIX4Dcatch data containing LiDAR depth maps, the mesh can be generated with one of the following point clouds:

    • Dense point cloud.
    • Depth point cloud.
    • Depth & dense fusion point cloud.
  • Template

    Select the PIX4Dcatch template as this is optimized for terrestrial projects.

All the Mesh settings are outlined in Processing options - Mesh. Select the options that provide the most accurate reconstruction depending on the subject.


Select to generate a Digital Surface Model(DSM). The Input field has PIX4Dcatch-specific selections to make.


  • Input

    When processing PIX4Dcatch data containing LiDAR depth maps, the DSM can be generated with one of the following point clouds:

    • Dense point cloud.
    • Depth point cloud.
    • Depth & dense fusion point cloud.

All the DSM settings are outlined in Processing options - DSM. Select the options that provide the most accurate reconstruction depending on the subject.


Select to generate an Orthomosaic. The Oblique and Deghosting toggles can provide PIX4Dcatch projects with improved quality.


All the Orthomosaic settings are outlined in Orthomosaic - PIX4Dmatic. Select the options that provide the most accurate reconstruction depending on the subject.


Select the desired exports for each processing option plus the Quality report.


When processing PIX4Dcatch data containing LiDAR depth maps, each point cloud .las option will be available for export if the processing option is selected. When exporting the DSM and Orthomosaic, there are further options to consider. These export settings are outlined in their respective articles: Processing options - DSM, and Orthomosaic - PIX4Dmatic.