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How to import and export image geolocation and orientation files - PIX4Dmatic

PIX4Dmatic supports the import and export of image geolocation and orientation files. This is useful when the values are not available in the EXIF/Xmp tags or when using PPK workflows.



Image geolocation and orientation import format

The image geolocation file format is a .csv or .txt file. It contains seven or nine columns per line and uses commas "," as column separators.

Note: The .csv or .txt file should not contain a header. It is possible to add a comment in the header of the file by using the "#" special character at the beginning of the first line. For example:
Note*: The order of coordinates in the input file needs to follow the order of axes in the coordinate system definition chosen in the import dialog.
For example, if the coordinate system definition specifies that the first axes is X and the second is Y then the order of the coordinates in the GCP input file needs to be the same.

The formats are described in the tables below:

Geographic coordinates, Yaw, Pitch, Roll
imagename, coordinate1* [decimal degrees], coordinate2* [decimal degrees], z [meter], yaw [decimal degrees], pitch [decimal degrees], roll [decimal degrees]
The latitude value is between -90° and 90°.
The longitude value is between -180° and 180°.
 Geographic coordinates, Yaw, Pitch, Roll, and accuracy values
imagename, coordinate1* [units], coordinate2* [units], z [meter], yaw [decimal degrees], pitch [decimal degrees], roll [decimal degrees], Accuracy Horz [meter], Accuracy Vert [meter]
The latitude value is between -90° and 90°.
The longitude value is between -180° and 180°.
Projected coordinates, Yaw, Pitch, Roll
imagename, coordinate1* [units], coordinate2* [units], z [units], yaw [decimal degrees], pitch [decimal degrees], roll [decimal degrees]
Projected coordinates, Yaw, Pitch, Roll, and accuracy values
imagename, coordinate1* [units], coordinate2* [units], z [meter], yaw [decimal degrees], pitch [decimal degrees], roll [decimal degrees]
Geographic coordinates
imagename, coordinate1* [decimal degrees], coordinate2* [decimal degrees], z [meter]
Projected coordinates
imagename, coordinate1* [units], coordinate2* [units], z [meter]
Geographic coordinates with accuracy values
imagename, coordinate1* [decimal degrees], coordinate2* [decimal degrees], z [meter], Accuracy Horz [meter], Accuracy Vert [meter]
Projected coordinates with accuracy values
imagename, coordinate1* [units], coordinate2* [units], z [meter], Accuracy Horz [meter], Accuracy Vert [meter]

How to import an image geolocation and orientation file

To import the file in PIX4Dmatic:

  • Open PIX4Dmatic
  • Create a new project or open an existing project
  • Import the images
  • Import the image geolocation and orientation file:
    • Navigate to File>Import>Image geolocation and orientation or
    • Select the  camera Cameras tab and click on Import image geolocations and orientations...
  • The import window will open
  • Navigate to the .csv or .txt file and click Open
  • Select the Coordinate Reference System (Horizontal and Vertical) according to your file.
    • If needed select the geoid and/or the geoid height value
  • Click Apply

How to check the order of the axes in the coordinate system definition

To check the order of axes in the coordinate system definition:

  • Open the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry website.
  • Write the name or the EPSG code in the EPSG Dataset - Text search.
  • Click GO and select the correct name in the results.
  • Expand the COORDINATE SYSTEM section and check the order in the AXES subsection.

After checking the order of Axes in the coordinate system definition, modify the input file to follow the same order of coordinates.

Example: For the WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N (EPSG code 32632) the order of axes in the coordinate system definition is first Easting and second Northing. The GCPs file should be formatted as:
label, Easting [meter], Northing [meter], z [meter]


Export image geolocations and orientations

To export the image geolocation and orientation file: 

  • Select the camera Cameras tab
  • Click on  Pix4D_more_icon.png > Pix4D_export_icon.pngExport image geolocations and orientations...
  • The export window will open

The following parameters can be set before exporting the file:

Parameters Description  Options
Camera type Sets the type of cameras from which the geolocation and orientation will be taken.
  • Input cameras
  • Calibrated cameras
  • Calibrated and uncalibrated cameras
Export CRS Specifies the Coordinate Reference system of the exported data
  • Project CRS
  • Scene CRS
  • Image CRS
Camera orientation convention Specifies the standard used for interpreting camera orientation.
  • Yaw, pitch, roll
  • Omega, phi, kappa
Destination Specifies the file saving or sharing location


After setting the desired parameters, click on Export to export the file to the location identified in the Destination setting. The status bar will be updated with the progress of the export. After the export is complete, a .csv file will be created in the desired location for further use.