FAQ - PIX4Dmatic


What is PIX4Dmatic?

PIX4Dmatic is a Pix4D product optimized for accurate and fast photogrammetric processing for large scale, corridor and terrestrial projects. It is designed to handle and process thousands of images with ease while maintaining survey-grade accuracy.

What is the difference between PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dmapper?

PIX4Dmatic, similar to PIX4Dmapper, is a product optimized for accurate and photogrammetric processing for aerial and terrestrial projects. In this article, similarities and differences between the two products will be described in detail. For more information check the article: PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dmapper comparison.

Do I have access to PIX4Dmatic if I have a PIX4Dmapper license?

No. PIX4Dmatic is a stand-alone product and needs a valid PIX4Dmatic license. A free trial is available for everyone who wants to try. For more information about how to get a trial, please see: PIX4Dmatic trial, sign up, and login

Does PIX4Dmatic run on the cloud or locally?

PIX4Dmatic is a desktop-only application that runs locally on Windows or macOS. The results can be uploaded to PIX4Dcloud in order to be easily shared. For more information, please see: How to upload results and outputs to PIX4Dcloud.

Future developments

PIX4Dmatic will be developing, growing, and implementing new features specifically based on our user feedback. With this constant development, it can be expected that updates in our software will translate into better decision-making. You can provide feedback on the PIX4Dmatic Community page

What are the required hardware specifications to run PIX4Dmatic?

For more information about hardware specifications: PIX4Dmatic Recommended Hardware.

Which operating systems are supported by PIX4Dmatic?

For more information about operating system specifications: PIX4Dmatic Recommended Hardware.

Can PIX4Dmatic be used with no internet connection?

It is possible to require an offline license in order to use PIX4Dmatic on a device that is not connected to the internet. For more information: Offline license - PIX4Dmatic


  • OTC licenses (no S&U) are node-locked. However, if a system failure occurs, the license may be reissued once upon approval from Pix4D.
  • 3 and 5-year licenses (with S&U) are node-locked. In the event of a system failure, the license may be reissued once per year, subject to Pix4D’s approval, while maintaining the original validity period.

How can I try PIX4Dmatic?

For more information about how to get a trial, please see: PIX4Dmatic trial, sign up, and login.

How can I download PIX4Dmatic?

The latest PIX4Dmatic release is available on the Pix4D download page.

How much does PIX4Dmatic cost?

PIX4Dmatic is offered with monthly, yearly, three-year, and perpetual licenses. For more information: PIX4Dmatic pricing.

How to cancel the subscription plan?

The subscription plan can be canceled anytime. For more information, click here to learn how to cancel the subscription plan.

How many computers can be bound to the same account?

Each PIX4Dmatic license is paired with a Pix4D account. It can run on one computer at a time, but the license is floating and can be used on any computer. PIX4Dmatic needs to be closed before you can open it on another device. An active internet connection is required when closing PIX4Dmatic.

What are the inputs and outputs of PIX4Dmatic?

The main PIX4Dmatic inputs are images and ground control points (GCPs). Once processed, it is possible to export dense point clouds, 3D Textured Mesh, DSM, and orthomosaic. It is also possible to import processed PIX4Dmatic projects into PIX4Dsurvey to:

The full list of input files is available here: Inputs.

The full list of output files is available here: Outputs.

What is the highest number of images that can be processed with PIX4Dmatic?

The highest number of images that can be processed with PIX4Dmatic will depend on the processing hardware. Theoretically, the algorithms will scale to any number of images. In practice, we were able to run datasets of 10'000+ images on the PIX4Dmatic Recommended Hardware without issues, which shows there is more potential. Get a trial of PIX4Dmatic and try with your large datasets to help us find the limit. If you encounter any issues, please contact our support team to investigate further.

What cameras are supported by PIX4Dmatic?

Compatible with any RGB camera with basic EXIF/XMP tags. There is no sensor size restriction and it is possible to use large frame sensors.

You can import image geolocation and orientation using a text file if it is not written directly in the EXIF of images.

For more information about the supported cameras, please see: Which cameras are supported in PIX4Dmatic.

If you have questions about a specific camera, please comment on Pix4D community. The Pix4D team regularly monitors the requests and updates the Community.

Will PIX4Dmatic support my RTK/PPK workflow?

Yes, RTK/PPK workflow is fully supported in PIX4Dmatic. Accurate image geolocation and orientation values can be written directly in the EXIF of images or imported in a separate .csv or .txt file.

More information can be found here: RTK/PPK workflow - PIX4Dmatic.

How to generate a DTM in PIX4Dmatic?

It is not possible to generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) directly in PIX4Dmatic.

However, you can simply open any PIX4Dmatic project in PIX4Dsurvey and use the generated point cloud for further analysis and feature extraction. PIX4Dsurvey can be used to generate a DTM and calculate volumes.

Can terrestrial images be processed with PIX4Dmatic?

Yes, terrestrial and oblique imagery are supported in PIX4Dmatic. Furthermore, there is a dedicated workflow for terrestrial acquisition with an application for 3D scanning named PIX4Dcatch running on both iOS and Android. Both RGB images and LiDAR of mobile and tablet devices can be used for an optimal modelling experience.

What coordinate systems are supported by PIX4Dmatic?

PIX4Dmatic uses the latest coordinate system libraries in order to make sure the latest parameters are used.

By default, the input coordinate system is set to WGS 84 geographic coordinate system. If no GCPs are used, the results will be in the corresponding UTM zone.

However, It is possible to select a different input coordinate system by either writing specific xmp tags into the metadata of images or by using the Import image geolocations and orientations... feature.

The coordinate system of the project and Tie points can be changed in the Tie points dialog.

More in the How to work with coordinate systems in PIX4Dmatic article.

PIX4Dmatic also includes support for horizontal grid corrections and several geoid models.

Does PIX4Dmatic support geoid models?

Yes, PIX4Dmatic supports global geoids (EGM84, EGM96, and EGM2008) and local geoids, for example, GEOID12B in the US and OSGM15 in the UK.

For local geoids that are not included in the PIX4Dmatic database, it is possible to specify the Geoid height value to convert between ellipsoidal and orthometric heights.

To see the list of supported geoid models check the How to use vertical coordinate systems and geoids in PIX4Dmatic article.

If the geoid you use is missing, please add a comment on the Pix4D community.

What is the accuracy of the PIX4Dmatic results?

The accuracy depends on the Ground Sampling Distance (GSD), the camera, the area being mapped, and the use of GCPs. For more information: Accuracy of PIX4D outputs.

How can I save undistorted images and export the camera parameters?

You can achieve this by exporting the project as an OPF file and running a Python script to undistort the images. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Process the project in Pix4Dmatic.

  2. Export the project as an OPF file.

  3. Use the pyopf Python package to undistort the images as described here: https://github.com/Pix4D/pyopf 

How can I perform a crush analysis of a crash reconstruction in PIX4Dmatic?

PIX4Dmatic does not perform this type of analysis, however, the output can be used as input for further processing in a third-party crush analysis.

How can contour lines be generated in PIX4Dmatic?

PIX4Dmatic does not have the capability to generate contour lines directly. However, you can easily create contour lines by utilizing PIX4Dsurvey.

How can I get technical support for PIX4Dmatic?

Pix4D customers and trial holders: For technical questions, contact oursupport team.
Not a customer yet? For technical questions, post on the Pix4D Community or contact sales.