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How to use vertical coordinate systems and geoids - PIX4Dmatic

This article explains how to select the correct vertical coordinate reference system, geoid, or geoid height in PIX4Dmatic.

What is a geoid model: The geoid is defined based on the earth's gravity field and is used as the reference surface for heights. Beneath the continents, it can be considered as a continuation of the mean sea level surface.
For more information, see the Orthographic (geoid) vs. ellipsoidal heights article.

PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dsurvey support global geoids (EGM84, EGM96, and EGM2008) and local geoids, for example, GEOID12B in the US and OSGM15 in the UK.

For local geoids that are not included in the PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dsurvey database, it is possible to specify the Geoid height value to convert between ellipsoidal and orthometric heights.


Access: For more information on how to define the horizontal and vertical coordinate systems for images, GCPs, and outputs, please see the How to use coordinate systems in PIX4Dmatic article.

Selecting the vertical coordinate reference system

After selecting the Horizontal coordinate reference system, the list of Vertical coordinate reference systems is available.

Only Vertical coordinate reference systems within the area of use of the Horizontal coordinate reference system are listed.

Example: For GCPs in:
  • Horizontal coordinate reference system: WGS 84 - EPSG:4326
  • Vertical coordinate reference system: Ellipsoidal height.

Pix4Dmatic vertical coordinate system ellipsoid

Selecting the geoid

Several geoid models are available in the PIX4Dmatic and PIX4Dsurvey databases. The full list is available in the List of supported geoids section.

The list of available geoids depends on the selected vertical coordinate reference frame.

Important: Before selecting the Geoid, it is necessary to select the correct Vertical coordinate reference system. Only geoids corresponding to a certain vertical coordinate reference system are listed in the Geoid drop-down menu.
Example: For GCPs in:
  • Horizontal coordinate reference system: NAD83 - EPSG:4269.
  • Vertical coordinate reference system: NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703.
  • Geoid: GEOID12B.


Selecting the geoid height

When the geoid corresponding to the selected vertical reference frame is not available, it is possible to specify the Geoid height value, which represents the height between the base ellipsoid of the horizontal coordinate reference system and the desired geoid.

The Geoid height value is used to convert the image geolocation (WGS 84 ellipsoid or EGM96 geoid) into the desired project coordinate system.

Note: When relying only on the image geolocation (GCPs not used), using Geoid height is recommended for small areas where geoid and ellipsoid can be considered parallel in a small portion of terrain. This approach will introduce inaccuracies if the project area is large if there are significant variations between the ellipsoid and geoid.
When GCPs are used, the project is fitted to the position of GCPs, and the inaccuracies introduced by a single Geoid height value do not affect the reconstruction of the project.
Example: For GCPs in:
  • Horizontal coordinate reference system: ETRS89 - EPSG:4258 (base ellipsoid GRS 1980).
  • Vertical coordinate reference system: Genoa 1942 height - EPSG:5214.
  • Geoid: ITALGEO05 (not available).
The ITALGEO05 geoid that is used in Italy is not available in PIX4Dmatic. Since the base ellipsoid for the horizontal coordinate system (ETRS89 - EPSG:4258) is GRS 1980 ellipsoid, the difference between the GRS 1980 ellipsoid and the ITALGEO05 geoid should be specified as the Geoid height value.


List of supported geoids


Country or region Vertical coordinate reference system geoid Note
Global EGM96 height - EPSG:5773 EGM96 15' geoid
EGM2008 height - EPSG:3855
MSL height - EPSG:5714
EGM2008 2.5' geoid
Argentina SRVN16 height - EPSG:9255 GEOIDE-Ar16  
Australia AHD height - EPSG:5711
AHD (Tasmania) height - EPSG:5712
AHD height - EPSG:5711
AHD (Tasmania) height - EPSG:5712
AHD height - EPSG:5711 AUSGeoid2020  
Austria EVRF2000 Austria height - EPSG:9274 Austrian Geoid 2008  
GHA height - EPSG:5778 Austrian Geoid 2008 | GHA  
Belgium Ostend height - EPSG:5710 hBG18  


CGVD28 height - EPSG:5713 CGG2000/HTv2.0  
CGVD2013(CGG2013) height - EPSG:6647 CGG2013  
CGVD2013(CGG2013a) height - EPSG:9245 CGG2013a  
Corsica NGF-IGN78 height - EPSG:5721 RAC09  
NGF-IGN78 height - EPSG:5721 RAC23  
Czech Republic Baltic 1957 height - EPSG:8357 CR-2005  
Denmark DVR90 height - EPSG:5799 DVR90  
DNN height - EPSG:5733 DNN  
Faroe Islands FVR09 height - EPSG:5317 FVR09  
Finland N60 height - EPSG:5717 FIN2000  
N2000 height - EPSG:3900 FIN2005N00  


NGF-IGN69 height - EPSG:5720 RAF09  
NGF-IGN69 height - EPSG:5720 RAF18  
NGF-IGN69 height - EPSG:5720 RAF18b  
NGF-IGN69 height - EPSG:5720 RAF20  
Germany DHHN2016 height - EPSG:7837 GCG2016  
Greenland GVR2000 height - EPSG:8266 GGEOID2000  
GVR2016 height - EPSG:8267 GGEOID2016  
Iceland ISH2004 height - EPSG:8089 IceGeoid2011  
Japan JGD2011 (vertical) height - EPSG:6695 GSIGEO2011  
Latvia Latvia 2000 height - EPSG:7700 LV14  
Mexico NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703 GGM10  
Netherlands NAP height - EPSG:5709 NLGEO2018  
New Zealand NZVD2009 height - EPSG:4440 NZGeoid2009

Meant to be used with an NZ horizontal CRS

NZVD2016 height - EPSG:7839 NZGeoid2016
Auckland 1946 height - EPSG:5759 NZGeoid2016 | Auckland 1946
Bluff 1955 height - EPSG:5760 NZGeoid2016 | Bluff 1955
Dunedin-Bluff 1960 height - EPSG:4458 NZGeoid2016 | Dunedin-Bluff 1960

Dunedin 1958 height - EPSG:5761

NZGeoid2016 | Dunedin 1958

Gisborne 1926 height - EPSG:5762

NZGeoid2016 | Gisborne 1926

Lyttelton 1937 height - EPSG:5763

NZGeoid2016 | Lyttelton 1937

Moturiki 1953 height - EPSG:5764

NZGeoid2016 | Moturiki 1953

Napier 1962 height - EPSG:5765

NZGeoid2016 | Napier 1962

Nelson 1955 height - EPSG:5766

NZGeoid2016 | Nelson 1955

One Tree Point 1964 height - EPSG:5767

NZGeoid2016 | One Tree Point 1964

Stewart Island 1977 height - EPSG:5772

NZGeoid2016 | Stewart Island 1977

Taranaki 1970 height - EPSG:5769

NZGeoid2016 | Taranaki 1970

Wellington 1953 height - EPSG:5770

NZGeoid2016 | Wellington 1953

Norway NN2000 height - EPSG:5941 HREF2018b  
Norway / Svalbard SVD2006 height - EPSG:20000 arcgp-2006-sk  
Poland Baltic 1986 - EPSG:9650
EVRF2007-PL height - EPSG:9651
EVRF2007-PL height - EPSG:9651 PL-geoid-2021  
Portugal Cascais height - EPSG:5780 GeodPT08  
Singapore SHD height - EPSG:6919 SGeoid09  
Slovakia Baltic 1957 height - EPSG:8357 DVRM05 Only available to Baltic 1957 height
Slovenia SVS2010 height - EPSG:8690 SLO_VRP2016/Koper  
South Africa SA LLD height - EPSG:9279 SAGEOID2010  
Spain Alicante height - EPSG:5782 EGM08-REDNAP  
Sweden RH2000 height - EPSG:5613 SWEN17  
Switzerland LN02 height - EPSG:5728
LHN95 height - EPSG:5729
Taiwan TWVD 2001 height - EPSG:8904 TWGEOID2018h  
UK Belfast height - EPSG:5732
Douglas height - EPSG:5750
Lerwick height - EPSG:5742
Malin Head height - EPSG:5731
ODN (Offshore) height - EPSG:7707
ODN height - EPSG:5701
ODN Orkney height - EPSG:5740
St. Marys height - EPSG:5749
Stornoway height - EPSG:5746
OSGM15 Including Great Britain, Ireland, and North Ireland
US NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NMVD03 height - EPSG:6640
PRVD02 height - EPSG:6641
VIVD09 height - EPSG:6642
ASVD02 height - EPSG:6643
GUVD04 height - EPSG:6644
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
NMVD03 height - EPSG:6640
PRVD02 height - EPSG:6641
VIVD09 height - EPSG:6642
ASVD02 height - EPSG:6643
GUVD04 height - EPSG:6644
NAVD88 height - EPSG:5703
NAVD88 height (ft) - EPSG:8228
NAVD88 height (ftUS) - EPSG:6360
PRVD02 height - EPSG:6641
VIVD09 height - EPSG:6642
 Important: Before selecting the Geoid, it is necessary to select the correct Vertical coordinate reference system. Only geoids corresponding to a certain vertical coordinate system are listed in the Geoid drop-down menu.

Importing geoids

Note: This feature is available for versions 1.57 or newer.


Ensure the following requirements concerning coordinate reference systems are fulfilled.

  • Download the respective file.
    • This file can be downloaded only via the official authorities.
  • Set the vertical coordinate reference system according to the table below.

Then, a new option, import.pngImport geoid will be visible.


List of supported geoid models for import

Country or region Vertical coordinate reference system geoid Source File name
Estonia EH2000 height- EPSG:9663 EST-GEOID2017 Avaleht | Geoportaal | Maa-amet  EST-GEOID2017.BLN
Lithuania LAS07 height - EPSG:9666 LIT20G Nacionalinė žemės tarnyba prie Aplinkos ministerijos


South Korea KVD1964 height - EPSG 5193 KNGeoid18 National Geographic Information Institute of South Korea (NGII) KNGeoid18.dat
KNGeoid24 National Geographic Information Institute of South Korea (NGII) hybrid_geoid.dat

Useful information

  • After successfully importing it, this geoid will be used as any other geoid model.
  • Importing a custom geoid file needs to be done only once.
  • Any new project created afterward will have the custom geoid model already available. This also applies after installing a later version of PIX4Dmatic/PIX4Dsurvey.
  • When importing the custom geoid file into PIX4Dmatic version 1.57 or newer, it will also be available in the equivalent version of PIX4Dsurvey and vice versa.