
Technical release notes (iOS) - PIX4Dcatch

Download the latest version for iOS.



Version Release date Release type
2.1.2 July 22, 2024 Bug Fixes


Version 2.1.2

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash in the RTK connection dialog when entering wrong NTRIP information
Version Release date Release Type
2.1.1 July 15, 2024 Bug Fixes


Version 2.1.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix in-app PIX4Dcatch Professional license subscription  


Version Release date Release Type
2.1.0 July 8, 2024 Updates, improvements and bug fixes

Version 2.1.0

What’s new: 

  • Export multiple projects
  • Add 2 weeks trial period for PIX4Dcatch Professional license
  • Trimble Catalyst DA2 enhancements 
  • Support geoids for Singapore (SGeoid09), Newfoundland (CGG2000/HTv2.0), Czech Republic (CR-2005), Portugal (GeodPT08), Corsica (RAC23) and Lithuanian (LIT20G)

Bug fixes and improvements:

  • Added section to redirect the user to the PIX4Dcatch online courses
  • Show in-app notification when there is an app update
  • Improvements for in-app purchase 
  • Ability to cancel the projects upload and delete the projects from PIX4Dcloud
  • Automatic skip of failed projects after several attempts for multi-upload
  • Improved license error reporting 
  • Improved licenses handling for accounts with more than one license
  • Improve autotags detection
  • General bug fixes & UI improvements

Release date Release Type
2.0.1 May 28, 2024
Updates, improvements and bug fixes: 


Version 2.0.1


  • Improve Autotags detection
  • Improve PIX4Dcloud AR projects loading
  • Improve PIX4Dcloud errors handling
  • Show feature points in the camera feed
  • General UI improvements

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue of not able to export projects 
  • Fix issues when connecting to RTKs
  • Fix crashes while capturing
  • Show satellites option in the viDoc RTK connection dialog
  • General fixes when uploading projects to PIX4Dcloud

Release date Release Type
2.0.0 April 30, 2024
Updates, improvements and bug fixes: 


Release date
Release type
April 30, 2024
Updates, improvements and bug fixes:
Version 2.0.0

What's new

  • Support for Emlid Reach RX RTK rover
  • Support for Trimble Catalyst DA2 RTK rover
  • Display PIX4Dcloud projects in AR (Option available in the toolbox)
  • Detected Autotags will be used in the processing when uploaded to PIX4Dcloud
  • Show Autotags in the saving report and the projects list
  • In-app purchase for PIX4Dcatch Professional monthly license


  • Improve Autotags detection and memory usage
  • Show a visual diagram for the viDoc RTK offset values
  • Show device name and offsets when selecting SPC/SPC+ in the viDoc connection dialog
  • Save the custom camera offsets entered by the user
  • Save the upload processing options for the next upload
  • Add low memory storage warning when starting the capture
  • General UI improvements

Bug fixes

  • Improve stability when uploading projects to PIX4Dcloud
  • Fix crash due to low memory when saving big projects
  • General bug fixes


Versions 1.31
Release date
Release type
March 26th, 2024
Bug fixes
March 12th, 2024
Bug fixes
March 4th, 2024
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.31.2
Bug Fixes and improvements
  • Improve stability when capturing & saving projects
  • Improve upload projects to PIX4Dcloud
  • General improvements



Version 1.31.1
Bug Fixes
  • Fix NTRIP connection issue in Taiwan
  • Fix issue of the sky not being filtered using iPhone 15
  • General bug fixes & improvements


Version 1.31.0

What's new

  • Select and upload multiple projects to PIX4Dcloud
  • Improved detection of Auto Tags at greater distances
  • Option to use detected Auto Tags to improve reconstructions


  • Improve processing results accuracy
  • Improve app stability
  • Add options for AR points in the settings
  • AR Points guiding arrow for the nearest point
  • Show the "bubble level" before starting the single point measurement
  • Save report.pdf also for GPS projects
  • UI improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue of having corrupted GCP collections
  • Fix crash when texturing the mesh in the detailed view
  • Fix upload failure after deleting images of a resumed project
Versions 1.30
Release date
Release type
February 13th, 2024
Bug fixes
February 5th, 2024
Bug fixes
January 30th, 2024
Bug fixes
January 25th, 2024
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.30.3

Bug fixes

  • Fix minor application bugs.


Version 1.30.2

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix wrong elevation when importing GCPs in feet.


Version 1.30.1

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix issue of coordinate transformation not being applied for specific NTRIP mountpoints such as in Taiwan.
  • Correct LNO2 altitude values for mountpoints of the Swipos NTRIP service.
  • Fix issue of not getting corrected coordinates when reconnecting to viDoc.


Version 1.30.0

What's new

  • Display georeferenced points in AR.
  • Support SPC+ case for viDoc RTK.
  • Add new geoids for Argentina and Poland: GEOIDE-Ar16 and PL-geoid-2021.
  • Show the account and organization you belong to in the upload dialog.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Ability to set the output CRS when uploading a GPS project to PIX4Dcloud.
  • Better failures handling when uploading projects to PIX4Dcloud.
  • Improve images geolocation when using RTK.
  • Fix wrong offset values and GCPs height when using feet,
  • Fix issue of having corrupted depth files.
  • General bug fixes and UI improvements.
Versions 1.29
Release date
Release type
November 27th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.29.0

What's new

  • Automatic Tag Detection of GCPs during capture using unique ID encoded Targets.
  • Support of specific RTCM messages to handle correctly Taiwan CRS.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix corrupted or missing depth images capturing high resolution or 4k.
  • Fix renaming and deleting GCP reference images.
  • Fix upload progression percentage.
  • Fix Site Localization map size.
  • Fix RTK NTRIP form editing.
  • Fix projects status when switching accounts.
  • Fix upload button to stay active during the upload.
  • Fix crash when saving Privacy Settings.
  • Improve importing of points.
Versions 1.28
Release date
Release type
November 23th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes
October 13th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.28.1

What's new

  • Improve viDoc connection stability.
  • Fix missing geoids for Finland, Latvia and Taiwan (FIN2000, FIN2005N00, LV14, TWGEOID2018h).


Version 1.28.0

What's new

  • Add German translation.
  • Add traditional Chinese translation.
  • Added new geoids for Finland, Latvia and Taiwan (FIN2000, FIN2005N00, LV14, TWGEOID2018h).

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix project statuses after changing user account.
  • Improved upload to PIX4Dcloud to retry after a given time in case it fails.
  • UI improvements.
Versions 1.27
Release date
Release type
September 27th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes
September 13th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.27.1

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix antenna offsets issues with iPad Pro.


Version 1.27.0

What's new

  • Added support for EUM.
  • viDoc antenna offsets can be defined manually.
  • Now available in French and simplified Chinese.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix issue with height conversion importing points.
  • Improved viDoc connection stability.
  • UI improvements.
Versions 1.26
Release date
Release type
August 24th, 2023
August 7th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes
August 2nd, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.26.2

What's new

  • Added support for German Geoid (GCG2016) and Slovenian geoid (SLO-VRP2016/Koper).


Version 1.26.1

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Fix crash when running on iOS 15.


Version 1.26.0

What's new

  • Achieve increased accuracy by including GCPs when processing projects:
    • Import points as GCPs.
    • Easily mark GCPs in images.
    • Upload and process with marks to PIX4Dcloud or export them to use in PIX4Dmatic.
  • Now available in Spanish.
  • Save detailed info for point collections in one file available on export.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Improved mesh saving.
  • Importing a file from Google Drive doesn’t show an empty file.
  • UI improvements.
Versions 1.25
Release date
Release type
July 4th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes
Jun 22th, 2023
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.25.1

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Improved viDoc accuracy.
  • Fixed viDoc antenna offset for single point measurement.
  • Fixed missing laser switch for single point measurement.


Version 1.25.0

What's new

  • viDoc: Select satellite constellations.
  • Drag down to refresh cloud projects in projects view.
  • Japanese language support.
  • Quality report for RTK projects.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Support for new cloud features
  • Improved point cloud
  • Improved projects list loading time.
  • Fixed report sometimes not saving.
  • Updates for Japanese language.
  • General UI fixes and updates.
Versions 1.24
Release date
Release type
May 25th, 2023
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.24.0


  • Improve memory usage on recording some projects.
  • Improve point cloud and mesh saving, by default in GLTF format.
  • Save and display antenna height with 3 decimals.

Bug fixes

  • Fix optimal accuracy text in project details.
  • Fix the antenna height reset when changing view.
  • Fix the reset of minimum elevation for satellite when selecting viDoc.
Versions 1.23
Release date
Release type
April 24th, 2023
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.23.0

What's new

  • Indicate how many satellites are used with viDoc connection.


  • Show map in project details for iPhone in portrait view.
  • Images and measured points use ellipsoidal height when using the device GPS.
  • Improve NTRIP connection process.

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash when turning on Show Overlap.
  • UI fixes and stability improvements.
Versions 1.22
Release date
Release type
April 5th, 2023
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.22.0

What's new

  • Show a report with estimated accuracies at the end of capture and in the project detailed view.
  • Ability to set minimum elevation for satellites for the viDoc RTK rover antenna.


  • Improved refresh rate for viDoc RTK rover battery status.
  • Improved LiDAR point clouds alignment.
  • Improved Japanese translations.
  • viDoc RTK rover laser activation when connecting from the measurement settings view.

Bug fixes

  • Live preview fixes and updates.
  • RTK information panel fixes for wrong N/A accuracies and status labels.
  • UI fixes and updates.
Versions 1.21
Release date
Release type
March 3rd, 2023
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.21.0

What's new

  • viDoc support for iPad SP Connect case.


  • Geolocation view updates.

Bug fixes

  • viDoc stability improvements.
Versions 1.20
Release date
Release type
February 28th, 2023
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.20.0

What's new

  • Support for site localization:
    • Create a site localization point collection to compute and define a custom coordinate system.
    • Import local points with an arbitrary coordinate system or global points with a geographic coordinate system.
    • Link local and global points.
    • Process project on PIX4Dcloud with a site localization.
    • Export site localization WKT2 file.
    • Export local and global points from the site localization point collection in two separate CSV files.
  • Added Vietnamese CRS: VN2000 planimetry coordinate systems (EPSG: 5896 to 5899).


  • Improved accuracy for viDoc with iPad.
  • Improved accuracy for large captures with viDoc.
  • Improved support for viDoc with iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.
  • Improved viDoc stability and NTRIP service connection.
  • Improved viDoc stability of laser measurement.
  • Improved workflow for account deletion.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed crash when turning on the option “Show overlap” during a capture.
Versions 1.19
Release date
Release type
December 21st, 2022
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.19.0

What's new

  • Added the Israeli coordinate system (EPSG: 6991 - Israeli Grid 05).
  • Added several Vietnamese coordinate systems (EPSG: 9205 to 9218).


  • Improved Japanese translation.
  • Minor improvements to the user interface.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed project browser view on iPhone.
Versions 1.18
Release date
Release type
October 31st, 2022
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.18.0

What's new

  • Ability to enter geoid height.
  • Added geoids: 'CGG2013a', 'arcgp-2006-sk'
  • Added “SVD2006 height”, “CGVD2013a(2002) height” and “CGVD2013a(1997) height” vertical coordinate reference systems.


  • Improve stability for large captures.

Bug fixes

  • Fix decimal keypads not working with localized separators.
  • Small bug fixes
Versions 1.17
Release date
Release type
October 11th, 2022
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.17.0

What's new

  • Ability to select camera resolution for capture from iOS 16.
  • Added geoids: 'RAF20', 'RAF18b', 'hBG18', 'OSGM15'
  • Available in the Japanese language.


  • Improve axis and unit definitions for GCP.
  • Improved warnings during capture.

Bug fixes

  • Fix the black cameras when adding GCP reference images.
Versions 1.16
Release date
Release type
September 9th, 2022
Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.16.0


  • Improved viDoc accuracy.
  • Warning messages for GCP (Ground Control Point) measurements.
  • Improved viDoc Bluetooth connection stability.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed instances when the first project image was not well located.
Versions 1.15
Release date
Release type
August 9th, 2022
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.15.0

What's new

  • Added the “PL-geoid-2011” geoid


  • Improved CRS selection for GCPs and Uploads.
  • Improved reliability and performance for large captures.
  • General fixes and UI improvements to GCP management.
  • Improved viDoc bluetooth connection stability.
  • Improved storing and retrieval of NTRIP credentials.
  • Improved triggering when capturing far away scenes.

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue with authentication flow to PIX4Dcloud.
  • Fix some issues capturing a project.
  • Many UI updates and fixes.
Versions 1.14
Release date
Release type
July 6th, 2022
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.14.0

What's new

  • Ability to capture and add reference images when measuring GCPs.


  • Warning if a project failed to save correctly.
  • Small bug fixes and UI improvements.
Versions 1.13
Release date
Release type
May 19th, 2022
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.13.0

What's new

  • Audible warnings during capture.


  • Improved warnings during capture.
  • Improved image triggering.
  • Improved connection dialog to viDoc RTK rover.
  • Improved authentication flow.
Versions 1.12
Release date
Release type
March 23rd, 2022
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.12.0

What's new

  • Set output coordinate reference system for measured GCPs.
  • Show GCP coordinates in the output coordinate reference system.


  • Improved connection dialog with viDoc RTK rover.
  • Improved warning and error reporting.
  • Improved login and signup.
Versions 1.11
Release date
Release type
February 10th, 2022
Updates, Improvements, Bug fixes


Version 1.11.0

What's new

  • Show battery indicator for viDoc.
  • Compatibility with iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max.
  • Improved accuracy of altitude measurement with laser.
  • HDOP values are saved with single-point measurements.
  • Allow imperial measurements for antenna offset.
  • New geoids are available.


  • Improved accuracy of altitude measurement with laser.
  • Show third-party licenses.
  • Allow single-point measurement even if high accuracy cannot be achieved.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed slow loading and possible crash of the project's view.
  • Many UI updates and fixes.
  • General bug fixes.
Versions 1.10
Release date
Release type
December 20th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.10.0

What's new

  • Enable laser functionality of the viDoc RTK rover for single-point measurement.
  • Added Swiss and Norwegian Geoids.
  • App usage disclaimer.


  • Option to delete GCP measurements.
Versions 1.9
Release date
Release type
November 29th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.9.0

What's new

  • New PIX4Dcloud processing pipeline is now set as default.
    • Support for 2D maps and volume measurement.
    • LiDAR data will be used if available.
  • Option to generate 2D maps when processing with LiDAR data.
  • Ability to cancel a capture without saving.


  • Improved project naming/renaming.
  • Fix for incorrect EXIF data when using iOS 15.0.
Versions 1.8
Release date
Release type
November 4th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.8.0

What's new

  • Single Point Measurement.
    • Record single points using viDoc RTK rover or GNSS.
    • Export points in a .csv file format that is compatible with PIX4Dmatic.
  • Rename project on save.
  • Added NAVD88 ftUS vertical coordinate system.
  • New minimum iOS version is iOS 14.1.


  • Improve yaw orientation of reconstructions when there is a good GNSS signal.
  • Improved map display in details view.
Versions 1.7
Release date
Release type
October 4th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.7.0

What's new

  • Image trigger improvements.
Versions 1.6
Release date
Release type
September 14th, 2021


Version 1.6.0

What's new

  • The LiDAR mesh can be viewed and exported from the project details.
Versions 1.5
Release date
Release type
August 25th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.5.0

What's new

  • Project Details Views.
    • Inspect individual images.
    • Embedded web view to show processed project results.
    • Updated UI.
  • viDoc will attempt to auto-connect on app startup.


  • Improved image triggering.
  • Upload progress is shown as a percentage.
  • Improved calculation of altitude when using viDoc.
Versions 1.4
Release date
Release type
August 4th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.4.0

What's new

  • Live-preview.
    • Show 3D preview of the scene captured in real-time.
    • Show the location of images in the live preview.
    • Toggle between top view and synchronized camera views.
  • Visualize & export the 3D model.
    • 3D view in the project details that renders the depth points & the images.
    • Export the point cloud in PLY format.
  • Option to set the vertical coordinate system and geoid when using viDoc RTK.


  • Fixed the orientation for images taken with the iPhone in portrait mode.
  • Improved reconstruction orientation for viDoc RTK projects with low accuracy.
  • Improved stability when saving RTK captures.
  • Improved upload to cloud and export.
Versions 1.3
Release date
Release type
July 6th, 2021
Updates, Improvements
April 29th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.3.1

What's new

  • Ability to define the horizontal input Coordinate System while using the viDoc RTK rover.
  • Ability to define the horizontal output Coordinate System before upload to PIX4Dcloud while using the viDoc RTK rover.
  • Display RTK connection status and HDOP value indicating the quality of RTK connectivity during capture using the viDoc RTK rover.
  • Improved Bluetooth connection stability.
  • Automatic removal of sky from the 3D models when the project is uploaded to PIX4Dcloud (only enabled when LiDAR scanner data is enabled).
  • Generation of the quality report when LiDAR scanner data is enabled when uploading to PIX4DcloudSupport for viDoc RTK.


  • Fixed issues with connections to various NTRIP providers while using the viDoc RTK rover for PIX4Dcatch.
  • Improved stability of upload to PIX4Dcloud.


Version 1.3.0

What's new

  • Support for viDoc RTK.
  • Add ability to share logs.
  • Default trigger set to 90% overlap.


  • Automatically create a trial if one is available.
  • Export projects over 4GB.
Versions 1.2
Release date
Release type
March 16th, 2022
Updates, Improvements
February 10th, 2021
Updates, Improvements
January 13th, 2021
Updates, Improvements
January 4th, 2021
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.2.3

What's new

  • Portrait mode now available for iPhone.
  • Access to manage user account from the capture screen.

Bugs fixes

  • Fix for corrupted ZIP file blocking export.
  • Fix volume computation in PIX4Dcloud for projects that have a sub-mm GSD.
  • Improved handling of project upload to PIX4Dcloud.


Version 1.2.2

What's new

  • The capture experience has been improved by replacing the default purple 3D mesh with a wireframe to give unobstructed views to the real world. The settings need to be reset to default to incorporate this change.
  • Volume measurements and Digital Surface Model (DSM) enabled in PIX4Dcloud when processing with depth.
  • The geolocation accuracy of the 3D scan is shown within the project's details.

Bugs fixes

  • Fixes export to Files app and external hard drives.
  • Minor improvements to the user interface.


Version 1.2.1

What's new

  • Exporting now zips all data into a single file for easier sharing with third-party services.

Bugs fixes

  • Fixes on occasional crashes when saving a project.


Version 1.2.0

What's new

  • Option to process with depth information for devices with a LiDAR sensor.
  • Option to generate DSM and Orthomosaic.
  • Captured image locations are shown on the map.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.
Versions 1.1
Release date
Release type
November 5th, 2020
Updates, Improvements


Version 1.1.1

What's new

  • Filter and search projects.
  • Multi select and delete.
  • Project Details.
  • Updates and Improvements to the UI.

Cloud Updates

  • Uploads to PIX4Dcloud now generate DSM models by default to enable volume.


  • Enable upload for PIX4Dmapper licenses that have cloud allowance.
  • Fix issue with iPhone 12 Pro not triggering enough images.
  • Use flat shading for the LiDAR mesh.
  • Option to texture the mesh.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.
Versions 1.0
Release date
Release type
August 12th, 2020
July 4th, 2020
Bug fixes
June 22nd, 2020
Bug fixes
June 12th, 2020
Initial release


Version 1.0.3


  • New upload dialog.
  • Shows cloud allowance.
  • Allows upload to Sites.
  • Add Make and Model to image EXIF.


Version 1.0.2

Bug fixes

  • Fix issue with license not detected.
  • Minor bug fixes.


Version 1.0.1

Bugs fixes

  • Fix occasional crash when saving or updating images.


  • Better feedback for cloud upload.
  • UI Improvements.
  • Reliability improvements.


Version 1.0.0

PIX4Dcatch is the tool for acquiring optimal ground images for photogrammetry. These ground images can be used to get highly accurate 3D models on PIX4Dcloud or offline within PIX4Dmapper.

No need to be an expert. Walk around your area of interest and the app will record pictures along the way, together with GPS positions. Using augmented reality, get live feedback on the covered area and the completeness of the scan thanks to the overlaid 3D mesh on the current video frame that is available for devices with LiDAR sensors.

Images can be uploaded to PIX4Dcloud for a fast generation of scaled and georeferenced 3D models and point clouds, that you can visualize, measure, share, and export. Or they can be exported locally for processing in PIX4Dmapper.


  • Scan: Walk around the area of interest. PIX4Dcatch automatically records geotagged frames and displays on your screen real-time 3D meshing for scene completion feedback.
  • Upload: Stop recording and automatically upload images to PIX4Dcloud to generate accurate and easy to share 3D models.
  • Export: transfer the images from your device to your desktop computer and start the photogrammetry process, add GCPs, and validate the accuracy of your 3D scene.
  • Examine: Measure distances, areas, and volumes, and perform virtual inspections.
  • Share: Selectively and securely share project data and insights with your team, clients, and suppliers.

Device compatibility:

  • Optimized for LiDAR equipped devices.
  • ARKit enabled devices.

Usage information

  • Ensure the app is up to date. Upload the images to PIX4Dcloud to generate, visualize, measure, and share your 3D model.
  • PIX4D accepts no liability for damage, injuries, or legalities from the misuse of this app. Use only in safe environments.