Getting started

Inputs - PIX4Dinspect

Inputs to PIX4Dinspect can be images or video files. A combination of both types is also supported.

Images for processing

These images are used to generate the Intelligent Digital twin and can be annotated and used for inventory projects.

.jpg, .jpeg
Geolocated JPEG images from the most popular DJI drones and drone manufacturers' cameras providing the recommended XMP tags (position and orientation).
Note: A minimum of 5 input images is required to upload a project to PIX4Dinspect (applies to all Asset types), and a maximum of 4000 input images can be uploaded and processed per project.
Note: Thermal images from the ZH20T camera can be processed in PIX4Dinspect. If a combination of thermal and RGB images is detected, the 3D pointcloud and Orthomosaic will be computed with RGB images only.

Videos for processing

Pix4Dinspect automatically extracts the frames from the video files. The extracted frames are used to generate the Intelligent Digital twin and can be annotated and used for inventory project.

MP4 video files from Parrot Anafi only are supported.

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