Export - PIX4Dsurvey
The exported outputs contain information about layers that will be automatically recognized when importing them into third-party software.
Video: PIX4Dsurvey tutorial: Export PIX4Dsurvey outputs
Important: Without a trial or a commercial license, the functionalities of the software are limited. For example, without a license it is not possible to export results and save projects.
Export all outputs
To export all outputs in PIX4Dsurvey:
- On the Menu bar, click File, then Export. Alternatively, on the top right, click
Export. The Export panel opens on the right.
- In the Export panel, for each available output, select the output format.
- (Optional) Unselect the outputs that do not need export.
- In the Destination section, navigate to the path where you want to save the files.
- Click Export.
The exported outputs are now ready to be imported into your preferred third-party software.
Export an output
To export an individual output:
- In the Content panel, right-click on the desired object.
- Click Export. The Export panel opens on the right.
- In the Export panel, select the output format for the chosen output.
- In the Destination section, navigate to the path where you want to save the file.
- Click Export.
The exported output is now ready to be imported your preferred third-party software.
Information: The output files are exported in the folder defined in the Destination field at the bottom of the export sidebar. The filename is the name of the project.
Tip: In case multiple outputs are exported, it is possible to add a suffix and/or a timestamp, that will be added at the end of the filename of all the outputs.
By default, the suffix is empty while the timestamp is enabled.
The format of the timestamp is YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss.