Account and license

How to cancel the subscription plan

The subscription plan can be canceled or edited at any time. Canceling the plan means deactivating the auto-renewal option and the associated billing. For PIX4Dcloud, the cloud credits are defined by the purchased plan and is valid until the subscription's end date.

Note: Once a subscription is canceled, the license will remain valid until the last day of validity. It is, therefore, possible to cancel a subscription before the renewal and continue using the license after the cancellation until the last day of validity.

Cancel subscription from an individual user account

  1. Go to
  2. Under Plans and licenses, click over the plan that should be canceled.
  3. Click Edit plan.
  4. Click Cancel Subscription > Cancel now.
  5. A Cancellation pending status is showing under My Plans tab.cancellation_pending_image_allowance_Pix4D.png

Cancel subscription from an Organization

  1. Go to
  2. Under Organizations plans & licenses, click over the license that should be canceled.
  3. Click Edit plan.
  4. Click Cancel Subscription > Cancel now.
  5. A Cancellation pending status is showing under Organization plans & licenses tab.account_Organization_cancel_sub_Pix4D.png

Note: You will receive an email confirming the subscription cancellation. The email is sent to the email belonging to your Pix4D account. Make sure you have access to that email inbox.