Getting started

New dataset > GCPs automatization > Processing with GCPs/checkpoints - PIX4Dcloud


Create a new dataset to start processing imagery and create maps and digital twins of the reality or upload outputs to PIX4Dcloud.

Access: This feature is only available on PIX4Dcloud Advanced.


1.Dataset creation     > 2. Image selection  > 3.Output coordinate system                        > 4.Processing options           > 5. GCPs automation
Processing with GCPs/checkpoints             / Processing without GCPs/checkpoints

To process a project with GCPs:

  1. Select Upload file.
  2. Browse the CSV file which contains the GCPs' details and click Open.
  3. The GCPs are imported.
    Note that the CSV file has to be in a certain format before being imported. For more information, Upload the GCP file.
  4. (Optional) Click Replace file to upload a new GCP file.
  5. (Optional) Click delete.png to delete the GCP file.
  6. Define the GCP coordinate system. Drag and drop a PRJ file defining the coordinate system, or search a coordinate system based on: EPSG code or name of the coordinate system.
    Only a projected coordinate system is supported.
  7. (Optional) Click See and edit control points. Switch between the two following options:
    • Control point table: the control points table lists the imported control points and their properties.
    • Control point Map: When clicking Map, an OpenLayers map is displayed with the GCPs and Checkpoints.
      For more information, See and edit the defined control points.
  8. Click Start processing.


Information: The full instructions list can be found at AutoGCPs detection functionality.