Getting Started / User Manuals / Special Install
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  2. PIX4Dcapture
  3. Getting Started / User Manuals / Special Install

Free Flight Mission Settings (iOS) - PIX4Dcapture

Choose one of the tabs below to get a full description of the different Settings of Pix4Dcapture.

For more information about the supported missions depending on the drone: (Android, iOS) Which type of mission to choose.

Access: In the Home screen, select Free Flight. In the Map view, tap ic_settings_green.png.

White balance

Defines the white balance to apply between Auto (default), Sunny and Cloudy.

Information: It allows to compensate temperatures so that the color of the image is as close as possible to neutral which corresponds to sunlight at noon outdoor. For each image the temperature is adjusted by an algorithm that optimizes the colors.

The Reset all settings button makes all options revert to their default values.