Choose one of the tabs below to get a full description of the different Settings of Pix4Dcapture.
Selects the drone to fly. For more information: (Android, iOS) Which drones are supported by Pix4Dcapture.
Selects the camera mounted on the drone. For more information: (Android, iOS) Which drones are supported by Pix4Dcapture.
For more information about adding a custom camera: (iOS) How to add a custom camera
Opens a pop-up to select and manage alternative street and satellite basemap providers.
Selects between Meter or Feet. The default selection depends on the geolocation of the device.
Auto download images when mission ends
Defines whether the mission is synchronized right after the flight, Switched on (default), or manually by the user later, Switched off. For more information: (iOS) How to synchronize and upload a mission to the cloud.
Upload resolution
Select between Half or Full (default). Defines the resolution of the images to upload and process on the cloud.
Flying in China
Improves the geolocation of images if flying in China only, Switched on, otherwise it should not be activated, Switched off (default). To use with caution.
Opens a sub-menu with information about the Privacy policy (Pix4D main site) and App version.