
Troubleshooting - PIX4Dcapture Pro

Basic checks

Ensure that:

  • PIX4Dcapture Pro is compatible with the drone, camera, and controller: PIX4Dcapture Pro supported drones, cameras, and controllers.
  • The latest version of PIX4Dcapture Pro is installed on the tablet.
  • The latest drone and controller firmware is installed.
  • The area to fly is not a no-fly zone.
  • The drone's SD card is correctly formatted and has enough space to store images.
  • The drone manufacturer's app is not running in the background. Force quit if necessary: How to force quit PIX4Dcapture Pro.
  • The correct drone is selected in the Dashboard.

Using the drone manufacturer's app

Ensure that:

  • The drone's camera and compass are calibrated.
  • No flight setting conflicts with the mission, including maximum altitude, beginner mode, geofences, etc...
  • The drone's fail-safe settings are configured so the drone will return home safely.
  • Basic features are working properly:
    • Manual takeoff and flying.
    • Live video feed of the camera.
    • Manual picture triggering.

Persistent fails

If the app cannot connect to the drone, a takeoff checklist item fails, or something went wrong during the mission:

  • Force quit PIX4Dcapture Pro and reopen it: How to force quit PIX4Dcapture Pro.
  • Restart your flight from scratch. To do so, close and force quit the app, disconnect the cable from the iPad or tablet, and turn off the remote controller and the drone. Then switch on the drone and the controller, reconnect the USB cable, and open PIX4Dcapture Pro.
  • If possible, try another iOS or Android device.
  • If possible, try another drone.
  • Try another USB cable.