Getting Started

General settings - PIX4Dcapture Pro




Access: On the top bar, tap user_circle.png if you are not logged in, or Group_1953.png if you are logged in (it shows the user's initials).

Account details

This section contains account details information:

  • User information: the user's first name and last name, email of the Pix4D account, name of the organization, and user role.
    Tap Log out to log out and access the login screen upon confirmation.
  • Membership type: it describes the type and the duration of the currently active license.
  • Privacy Settings: click Update to specify communication and data privacy preferences.
  • Account deletion information.


This section allows the user to select the Drone and the Camera to be used to fly the missions:

Safety and Security


Important: For the Safety and Security settings coming from the vendor applications, their values are retrieved in PIX4Dcapture Pro (signal lost action, RTH height etc.). We recommend checking all the safety and security settings before starting the flight.

Minimum drone battery level: Set the minimum drone battery level under which PIX4Dcapture Pro will not allow a mission to be started or resumed.

Signal lost action: Defines which action is taken in case of connection loss between the remote controller and the drone (Not connected status). The action will only be executed if the drone is not performing a mission. The options are the following:

  • Return to home point (recommended): the drone returns to the home point.
  • Land: the drone lands on its current location.
  • Hover: the drone hovers on its position.

RTH height: during the return to home, the drone will climb to this custom predefined RTH height or maintain its current altitude, whichever is higher.

Restore: tap on the reset.pngRestore button to restore all safety and security settings to default recommended values.


Map orientation: defines the orientation of the Map view. Options are:

  • Drone bearing locked: the orientation of the Map view rotates together with the drone moving.
  • Manual bearing: the orientation of the Map view remains fixed while the drone is moving.

Units: defines which units are shown in the application to express distances and velocities. Options are:

  • Metric (m, m/s)
  • Imperial (ft, mph)

Language: select the preferred language for the application. Options are:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese

Camera sound notifications: if this option is enabled, the device will emit a sound everytime the camera of the drone captures an image.

  • On
  • Off

Network RTK

Custom network RTK settings management:

  • RTK accounts: Creation (with Account name, Hostname/IP, Port number, Username, Password, and Mountpoint), connection and deletion.
  • RTK Positioning: Enable or disable the RTK for the drone positioning. If the RTK positioning toggle is switched to On or Off when performing Asset Type missions, the point of interest references must be reset.
  • Maintain positioning accuracy mode: In case of an RTK module communication error, the drone will automatically maintain the current RTK status with gradually decreasing accuracy. It will exit RTK if the connection is not re-established within 10 minutes.

Offline maps

This section shows how much all the Offline maps occupy (MB) and provides the option to delete all the downloaded Offline maps from the device, including the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) used for enabling the terrain awareness feature.


This section links to the PIX4Dcapture Pro documentation and onboarding guides (Cell tower asset, Transmission tower asset, and Grid mission). It also allows users to contact technical support and send all logs by email directly from the device.


It contains the application disclaimer, the PIX4D terms and policies, and the third-party licenses.