Symbols and Colors - PIX4Dmatic
PIX4Dmatic uses a standard color formatting of symbols that allows for a quick understanding of the state of what it represents. Understanding the colors of the symbols can help to assess the quality of the calibration and marks quickly.
Tiepoints (GCPs, Checkpoints, Manual Tie Points)
Intersection Tie Points
Image viewer marks
Image Marks (GCPs, Checkpoints, Manual Tie Points)
Tiepoints (GCPs, Checkpoints, Manual Tie Points)
- Blue - Indicates the initial GCP position as read from the GCP file.
- Green - Indicates the computed position of a GCP or MTP after the calibration or reoptimization step has been completed.
- Gray - Checkpoint position as extracted from the GCP file.
Intersection Tie Points
- Blue - Indicates the initial position of a camera as extracted from the image exif, or image geolocation file.
- Green - Indicates a computed position of a camera after the calibration or reoptimization step has been completed.
- Orange - Uncalibrated camera position (failed to calibrate).
Image viewer marks
- Blue - Initial position of GCP or Checkpoint before the calibration step.
- Green - Calibrated position of a 3D object after calibration or reoptimization steps.
- Yellow - Indicates which images had GCPs/MTPS/Checkpoints that were manually marked and indicates which images had ATPs automatically marked by the software.
- Magenta - Indicates images containing marks deemed as outliers.
Image Marks (GCPs, Checkpoints, Manual Tie Points)
- Blue - GCP initial position on the image according to the GCP file.
- Yellow - GCP user-defined mark on the image.
- Green - GCP projected mark on the image after calibration or reoptimization.