How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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Section view - PIX4Dmatic

The Section View feature enables the creation of vertical or horizontal sections of a project, ensuring that all vectorization occurs on a single plane. The section box outlines the content of the section view, and its parameters can be adjusted.

Section view in PIX4Dmatic. 

Note: This feature is available from PIX4Dmatic version 1.63 and above


To access the Section view: 

  • From the bottom panel, navigate to elevation_profile-16 Section View
  • From the Content Panel on the left side, navigate to dual_mode Sections

How to create a section


There are two methods available (in 3D view), depending on the use case:

  • Draw Section: A line is drawn to indicate the desired location for the vertical section. This method is ideal for scenarios where sections are not interconnected.
  • Select Polyline: A polyline is selected to serve as a guide for multiple sections. This method is primarily used in terrain and road workflows, where a polyline (e.g., the axis of a road) is selected to maintain sectioning over an extended distance.

    Tip: To create multiple parallel sections, define an interval at the top of the panel and use the < > arrows to step through the sections. 

    Adjusting the section box

    The section box defines the visible area in the bottom panel. The half-transparent face represents the section plane, which faces the interior of the box. Ensure the plane is oriented towards the region intended for vectorization.

    To adjust the section box, there are two options:

    • From the 3D view: Provides a quick and rough box adjustment.
    • From the bottom panel: Allows for precise adjustments of the box's height, width, and depth. The depth determines the visible area in the bottom panel, and this method offers greater control over rotation angles.
    To adjust the section plane:
    • Use the invert profile direction icon in the bottom panel.


    After creating the section box, the next step is to vectorize it manually or by using the Draping function.  

    The Draping function automatically locates the best-fitting polyline for the terrain and applies this polyline to both the Section view and the 3D view. 

    To use this feature: 

    • Click on the Draw section or select a section box from the 3D view
    • Navigate to Draping
    • Click on Drape in section

    A polyline will automatically be created in the section view and the 3D view. When using Drape in section, adjust the polyline's complexity once it is visible in the scene.

    Each section is listed in the Content panel under "Sections," aiding in navigation, toggling, deletion, and export selection.

    Geometries (i.e. polylines) are stored in the vector layers along with other elements. All geometries created, manually or via the Drape in section function, are constrained to the section plane and can only be edited in the Section View bottom panel. Geometries cannot be moved out of the section plane. To break this link:

    • Delete the section from the Content Panel, which will then enable the geometries or 
    • Right-click the geometry in the Section view panel and select Detach [geometry] from section

    Tip: For sections created from a polyline (select polyline), offset the polyline by the desired amount, place it in the preferred location, or fill in the information in the pop-up and confirm.


    After creating the Section view and modifying the settings, click on Export to export the Section view to the location identified in the Destination setting. The status bar will be updated with the progress of the export. After the export is complete, a .dxf file will be created in the desired location for further use.