Getting started

Example datasets - PIX4Dmatic

Get started with real data

Download any of these projects for free* and explore PIX4Dmatic functionalities with a real dataset.

Important: *These datasets may only be used for personal or professional training. For commercial or promotional use, “Courtesy of Pix4D /” must be displayed and all the text linked to For more information on usage, contact our marketing team.

Using real data demonstrates what Pix4D software can do and will help you understand what’s needed when collecting your data.

Not sure where to begin? Follow the instructions below each data set to create your first project.

LOGO_KB_Demo_Projects_Matic.pngPIX4Dmatic example projects

Industrial zone and agriculture area download dataset

The goal of this project is to:

  • Import images into PIX4Dmatic.
  • Import and mark ground control points (GCPs).
  • Process the project and generate the dense point cloud, DSM, and orthomosaic.


Information: The example project of 1469 images is a subset of a larger dataset of 10615 images. The image acquisition of the whole dataset was done using 4 eBee X - senseFly drones flying simultaneously. The flight planning software eMotion was used.

To download the whole dataset contact the Pix4D Support team.

General project information
Average Ground Sampling Distance (GSD)
2.28 cm / 0.9 in
Area covered
1.154 km2 / 115.4 ha / 0.446 sq. mi. / 285.3 acres
Output coordinate system
WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N - EPSG 32632, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Image acquisition
eBee X (senseFly)
Image acquisition plan
4 flights, single grid flight plan
senseFly AeriaX
Number of images
Image size
6000 x 4000 pixels
Image geolocation coordinate system
WGS84 - EPSG 4326, WGS 840 ellipsoid
Ground control points (GCPs)
Number of GCPs
GCPs coordinate system
WGS84 - EPSG 4326, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Download project files

The dataset can be downloaded here (14.7 GB).

The downloaded compressed .zip file contains the following files and folders:

  • Images_subset_1469: RGB images in .JPG format.
  • root.p4m: PIX4Dmatic project file.
  • Pix4Dmatic_example_GCPs_EPSG_4326_ellipsoid.txt: GCP input geolocation file.
Open the .p4m PIX4Dmatic project file

This section describes how to open the .p4m project.

Access: To download PIX4Dmatic click here.
  1. Open PIX4Dmatic.
  2. Click File on the menu bar.
  3. Click Open...
  4. On the pop-up Open Project, specify the location of the root.p4m file and click Open.
  5. (Optional) If images are not displayed in the Image panel:
    • Right-click on the image in the Image panel.
    • Click Find images...
    • In the Missing images dialog, click Find, specify the location of the image folder, and click Select folder.

Once the project is successfully imported, the images and GCPs appear in the 3D view.

Urban area download dataset

The goal of this project is:

  • Import images into PIX4Dmatic.
  • Import and mark ground control points (GCPs).
  • Process the project and generate the dense point cloud, DSM, and orthomosaic.

Pix4Dmatic demo dataset 100 images

Information: The example project of 100 images is a subset of a larger dataset of 10615 images. The image acquisition of the whole dataset was done using 4 eBee X - senseFly drones flying simultaneously. The flight planning software eMotion was used.

To download the whole dataset contact the Pix4D Support team.

General project information
Average Ground Sampling Distance (GSD)
2.41 cm / 0.95 in
Area covered
0.0214 km2 / 2.14 ha / 0.008 sq. mi. / 5.3 acres
Output coordinate system
WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N - EPSG 32632, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Image acquisition
eBee X (senseFly)
Image acquisition plan
1 flight, single grid flight plan
senseFly AeriaX
Number of images
Image size
6000 x 4000 pixels
Image geolocation coordinate system
WGS84 - EPSG 4326, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Ground control points (GCPs)
Number of GCPs
GCPs coordinate system
WGS84 - EPSG 4326, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Type of GCPs
  • cp12 - Tip of the arrow (parking lot)


  • cp19 - Checkered pattern GCP.svg
  • cpe003 - Checkered pattern GCP.svg
Download project files

The dataset can be downloaded here (0.99 GB).

The downloaded compressed .zip file contains the following files and folders:

  • Images_subset_100: RGB images in .JPG format.
  • root.p4m: PIX4Dmatic project file.
  • Pix4Dmatic_example_100_GCPs_EPSG_4326_ellipsoid.txt: GCP input geolocation file.
Open the .p4m PIX4Dmatic project file

This section describes how to open the .p4m project.

Access: To download PIX4Dmatic click here.
  1. Open PIX4Dmatic.
  2. Click File on the menu bar.
  3. Click Open...
  4. On the pop-up Open Project, specify the location of the root.p4m file and click Open.
  5. (Optional) If images are not displayed in the Image panel:
    • Right-click on the image in the Image panel.
    • Click Find images...
    • In the Missing images dialog, click Find, specify the location of the image folder, and click Select folder.

Once the project is successfully imported, the images and GCPs appear in the 3D view.

PIX4Dcatch project download dataset

The goal of this project is:

  • Import project into PIX4Dmatic.
  • Utilize available LiDAR depth data.
  • Process the project and generate a fused dense point cloud, DSM, and orthomosaic.

PIX4Dmatic processed PIX4Dcatch dataset results

General project information
Average Ground Sampling Distance (GSD)
0.3 cm / 0.13 in
Area covered
175 m2 / 0.0175 ha / 0.043 acres
Output coordinate system
WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N - EPSG 32632, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Image acquisition
iPad Pro 11"
Image acquisition plan
Terrestrial, circular
iPad Pro w/LiDAR
Number of images
Image size
1920 x 1440 pixels
Image geolocation coordinate system
WGS84 - EPSG 4326, WGS 84 ellipsoid
Download project files

The dataset can be downloaded here (367 MB).

The downloaded compressed .zip file contains the following files and folders:

  • PIX4Dmatic_example_300_images_LiDAR_inputs: RGB images in .jpg format. Confidence and DepthMap files in .tiff format.
  • root.p4m: PIX4Dmatic project file.
Open the .p4m Pix4Dmatic project file

This section describes how to open the .p4m project.

Access: To download PIX4Dmatic click here.
  1. Open PIX4Dmatic.
  2. Click File on the menu bar.
  3. Click Open...
  4. On the pop-up Open Project, specify the location of the root.p4m file and click Open.

To process the project, it is necessary to Find images... first:

    • Click the Image viewer icon Image_viwer_icon_PIX4Dmatic_blueBG.jpg in the upper right.
    • Right-click on any blank image in the Image viewer.
    • Click Find images...
    • In the Find images dialog, click the Find button find_button.jpg to specify the location of the PIX4Dmatic_example_300_images_LiDAR_inputs folder, and click Select folder.
    • Click OK.

For more information: How to process PIX4Dcatch datasets in PIX4Dmatic.