Getting started

Outputs - PIX4Dmatic

The following table presents PIX4Dmatic's main output files:



File format


Point cloud .laz A compressed version of the LAS format that reduces file size without data loss. Ideal for efficiently storing and transferring large LiDAR datasets.
.las 1.4 An advanced version of the LAS file format with additional point record types and fields for detailed LiDAR data. Suitable for sophisticated surveying and GIS applications.
.las 1.2 (For ArcGIS Pro) An earlier version of the LAS format for standardized LiDAR point cloud data storage. 
.xyz A plain text format for storing point cloud data with X, Y, and Z coordinates. Widely supported and easy to use for basic analysis and data sharing.
.bpc Pix4D's proprietary .bpc file format is optimized for loading and manipulating large point clouds. It is generated and exported automatically during the Dense point cloud step.
Mesh .obj, .mtl, .jpg,  Mesh can be visualized in PIX4Dcloud, Windows 3D Viewer, Meshlab, Global Mapper, Rhino, 3ds Max, 3DBuilder, or Autodesk Maya
.slpk Esri file format for use in ArcGIS Pro, or ArcGIS Online
.ply, .jpg A  3D file format used to store geometric data of 3D models, including vertex positions and other properties like color and normals. Useful for 3D modeling and computational geometry applications.
.b3dm, .json  Cesium 3D tiles
DSM .tiff (GeoTIFF) Export the generated DSM. The image compression, file type (single, tiles), and image scale can be defined. Optimized for PIX4Dcloud
World File for TIFF. Contains the location, scale, and rotation of the image
.prj Coordinate Reference System file
Orthomosaic .tiff (GeoTIFF) The image compression, file type (single, tiles), and image scale can be defined. Optimized for PIX4Dcloud
.jpg (Georeferenced with .jgw) The quality (%) and image size (S, M, L) can be defined
.tfw World File for TIFF. Contains the location, scale, and rotation of the image
.prj Coordinate Reference System file
GCP marks .txt File with GCPs marks that can be imported into other PIX4Dmatic projects
MTP marks .txt File with MTPs marks that can be imported into other PIX4Dmatic projects
mITP marks .txt File with mITPs marks that can be imported into other PIX4Dmatic projects
Image geolocations & orientations .csv The Camera type, the export CRS, and the orientation values can be defined
Quality Report .pdf Quality report to assess the accuracy and quality of projects


.dxf File with connected geometries generated in PIX4Dmatic for CAD use

Videos & Views

Video audiovisual media file format generated using the Video & Views feature of PIX4Dmatic

Section view

The .dxf file will contain the polyline(s) created within each Section view for CAD use.


.jpg (Georeferenced with .jgw) Orthoplane file created and exported in PIX4Dmatic.

PIX4Dmatic project file

.p4m PIX4Dmatic project file that can be used to open existing projects in PIX4Dmatic or PIX4Dsurvey.
.opf Open Photogrammetry Format. OPF is the specification for a standardized file format designed for photogrammetry data.

Log files

.txt The Log Files contain useful information about the processing of the project. It describes the steps and substeps of processing, the actions taken, the warnings, and the errors during the processing

Processing templates

.json Custom processing templates can be configured and exported from a PIX4Dmatic project. For more information: Custom processing templates - PIX4Dmatic