Getting started

Inventory tool - PIX4Dinspect

This article describes how to read the inventory details that are extracted by the automatic inventory recognition algorithm, how to add additional information, how to manually add inventory, and how to use this piece of knowledge for collaboration.

Access: The Inventory tool is available only for Cell Tower assets and if Tower inventory is checked in the Options while creating a new project.

Access the Inventory tool

To start using the Inventory tool, choose one of the following methods:

  • In the Layers tab of the left-side navigation menu, click on the Inventory of the Manage Inventory.
  • In the 3D view, click on a recognized inventory item.
Information: If one or more inventories were not automatically detected, possible causes can be found at: Inventory recognition failure.

The Inventory viewer opens on the right. The images shown belong to the Pix4Dcapture Pro missions from which the inventory was reconstructed and identified. If the dataset was not acquired with Pix4Dcapture Pro, the images shown are generically only those that have a positive gimbal pitch angle.

Information about recognized inventory is shown on the Inventory Card.

From the Inventory tool there is also the option to access the Base plate output-onlinepngtools.png, which informs the user where is the base plate for that specific asset detected automatically by the AI.

To access the Base plate details, click on the base plate from the Inventory tool, or select it from the 3D model, where it will be represented as a blue square figure. Once is selected, the details will appear on the right-hand side, providing information about the Altitude(m) and Square sides(m), and the option to adjust the location of the base plate.

Note: If needed, both Base plate output-onlinepngtools.png values ( Altitude(m) and Square sides(m)) can be adjusted by the user by clicking on the ± buttons. There is also the option to hide the base plate in the 3D model by clicking on the show/hide icon next to the Base plate from the Inventory tool section.

How to add Inventory manually

You can manually add inventory items that are not automatically detected by the AI recognition.

The Manually add new Inventory Item tool is not only helpful for adding inventory items not previously recognized by the AI Plugin to the project but also for planning future installations on the tower or asset.

To add the inventory, click on addinventory.png icon on the top right of the Inventory list, or click on the Vector__2_.jpg icon from the 2D/3D view tools.

Then, click on the 3D point to represent the new inventory. A new inventory item creation menu will open with two different options:

point.png Point

The new inventory item will be represented on the project's 3D model with a point, and it is possible to select one of the following template options:

  • Panel antenna
  • Microwave antenna
  • Ancillary box
  • Collinear antenna
  • Yagi antenna
  • Mount

Once selected, click on Done to finish with the inventory item creation, and the Inventory Item Card will be displayed on the right-hand side of the project viewer.

clipping_box.png Box

The new inventory item will be represented on the project's 3D model, as well as on the selected 3D point image, as a box-shaped item, and it is possible to select one of the following template options:

  • Panel antenna
  • Microwave antenna
  • Ancillary box
  • Collinear antenna
  • Yagi antenna
  • Mount

After selecting one of the template options, and if the user knows the dimension and orientation values of the new inventory item or future installation item, it is also possible to give those values to the Width (m), Height (m), Depth (m), Azimuth (o), and Downtilt (o) to help shape and orientate the box-shaped item represented on the 3D model.

Once selected and given the necessary values, click on Done to finish with the inventory item creation.

The Inventory Item Card will be displayed on the right-hand side of the project viewer, where the user can edit the values previously given to the inventory item or add more information.

Note: Keep in mind that all changes done from the Inventory card to the inventory item's dimension and orientation ( X offset (m), Y offset (m), Z offset (m), Azimuth (o), Downtilt (o), Plumb (o), Width (m), Height (m), Depth (m)...), will be reflected on the box-shaped item represented on the 3D model.
Note: The new inventory item will be represented as a box-shaped item on the project's 3D model and on the selected 3D point image, as long as it's marked as a future installation, and the image can be also added to the final PDF report.

Inventory Card

The Inventory Card contains the information that is computed via the Automatic inventories recognition algorithm and some additional end-user editable fields. The name of an inventory item can be changed by clicking on it from the Inventory Card. In particular, it contains:

  • Automatic recognition data:
    • Type
    • Downtilt
    • Azimuth
    • Plumb
    • Width
    • Height
    • Depth
    • Altitude (CL)
    • Coordinates

A detailed explanation of the AI recognized inventory details is available at: AI recognition of Inventories.

  • End-user editable fields:
    • Model name
    • Weight
    • Frequencies
    • Status: Active (green), Inactive (orange), and Future Installation (blue).
  • Add external link: the user can click on link.pngicon and attach as many as needed links to an inventory item. While adding them, the URL field is mandatory, and the description is optional. The external links are included within its annotation in the JSON report and the PDF report. In the PDF, the user can click on it, and a browser will display the URL.
  • Share: the user can click on share__1_.png to create a share link to a specific inventory item and share it via email or link, and include some notes if needed. The inventory item is visible to the collaborators for read-only.
Note: The displayed units are those defined under the section Measurements units in the user's Account settings.

The content of the inventory details is automatically saved when added to the editable fields.

How to add the best-fit image to the pdf report

An image per inventory can be added to the report as the best-fit image for a specific inventory, in the sense that the best-fit image is the most representative and contains the highest amount of information for inventory inspection purposes.

To add an image to a pdf report:

  1. In the Inventory viewer, pick the image considered as the best fit from the proposed ones.
  2. Change the zoom level of the image.
  3. Click on Added to report .

The image miniature in the carousel now shows the star_1.png Added to report icon. The selected image will be added to the reports with the zoom level.

Inventories in the reports

Inventory details are included in the reports that can be exported from Pix4Dinspect.


How to browse images

In the Antenna viewer, images can be browsed by:

  • Clicking the arrows shown on the enlarged image.
  • Using the left and right arrows on the keyboard.
  • Using the scroll bar under the carousel and clicking on a different image.