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How to add a basemap - PIX4Dfields

Basemaps in PIX4Dfields

Basemaps serve as a reference map on which projects are overlaid. PIX4Dfields provides several options for these maps. The Standard basemap option is a full global basemap with either Street or Satellite content provided by Mapbox. A custom basemap option is available to display customized content utilizing a tiled web map service. This service can be hosted locally or online.

Change a basemap in a PIX4Dfields project

  1. Open a project in PIX4Dfields.
  2. Click on Select basemap globe.jpg.
  3. Select Custom, Satellite, Street, or None.

To add a custom basemap in PIX4Dfields

To add a custom basemap provider:

  1. In the Dashboard screen, click SETTINGS settings.jpg.
  2. In the APP SETTINGS section, click Basemap.
  3. Select Your custom basemap.
  4. Type or paste the URL for the map service.
  5. Create a new project in PIX4Dfields.
  6. Click on Select basemap globe.jpg.
  7. Click on Custom.

Supported arguments for a custom basemap in PIX4Dfields

Note: The URL must have this format:{z}/{y}/{x}. For more information: Tiled web map.

The table below describes the arguments supported on PIX4Dfields:



X position of tile

{y} or {-y}
Y position of the tile, starting at the top/north. Use {-y} if the origin is at the bottom/south (TMS).
Scale value. Can be used to add "@2x" to the URL to load retina tiles
Bounding box coordinates for WMS Urls. If ‘latlon’ or ‘lonlat’ are not provided then order is determined by version, where < 1.3 uses lonlat
Subdomains a,b,c.

To create a locally hosted tile web map service of an orthomosaic using python and QGIS

  1. Create a local server using python:
    • Create a dedicated folder on the windows machine (e.g. “Local_Basemap”).
    • Open a windows console and navigate to the folder “Local_Basemap”.
    • Execute the following command: "C:\Program Files\QGIS 3.16\apps\Python37\python" -m http.server (check that the path to where python is installed is correct).
    • The console will show the following message: Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ... The URL of the local server will be http://localhost:8000/
  2. Generate XYZ tiles from the orthomosaic that you want to use.
    • Open QGIS and load the orthomosaic.
    • Click Processing> Toolbox> Raster tools>Generate XYZ tiles (Directory)
    • Fill in the following parameters as follows:
      • Extent: the orthomosaic.
      • Zoom level range: it depends on the ortho size, but 12-19 should be ok for all cases.
      • Tile format: JPG.
      • Output directory: save into the folder “Local_Basemap”.
      • Output html: give a name and save it in the “Local_Basemap” folder (to test if the tiles were created correctly).
  3. Open PIX4Dfields and add the following URL http://localhost:8000/{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg in the custom basemap section.

To add a custom Mapbox layer

It is possible to create custom basemaps in Mapbox that can be imported into PIX4Dfields as a tile web map service.

  1. In Mapbox Studio, navigate to Share & Develop.
  2. Under Developer resources, select Third party.
  3. PIX4Dfields will support either Carto or Fulcrum formats.
  4. Copy the Integration URL.
  5. Paste into Your custom basemap in the APP SETTINGS of PIX4Dfields.