How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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How to create a map - PIX4Dreact


New map

To create a new map:

1. On the dashboard, click add.png at the bottom right corner of the window.

2. On the left side, click IMPORT IMAGES.

3. On the pop-up Open, select the images and click Open.

4. (optional) Adjust the Processing options by clicking the settings icon mceclip1.png. For more information, see Processing options.

5. Click START PROCESSING at the bottom left corner of the window.

Open map

To open an existing map:

1. On the dashboard, all the maps created with this account will be visible.

2. Click on the desired map.

How to import a previously created orthomosaic

To import an orthomosaic which was previously created in another application:

1. On the dashboard, click mceclip0.png at the bottom right corner of the window.

2. On the left side, click IMPORT GEOTIFF to open an existing orthomosaic.

Try PIX4Dreact with example projects

Explore PIX4Dreact’s functionalities by registering for a trial version and downloading an example project for free.

For more information, see Pix4Dreact example dataset.