How to... (step-by-step instructions)
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USNG - PIX4Dreact

What is USNG?

The United States National Grid (USNG) is an internationally consistent language of location in a user friendly format. It is a grided reference system that can pinpoint any location on earth at flexible scales using a simple alphanumeric label. For example, 33U UU 91899 18914 identifies a 1m x 1m square, whereas 33U UU 918 189 identifies a 100m x 100m lower resolution square at the same location. While USNG is mostly used by US public safety professionals today it is a worldwide system and not limited to the United States.

Tip: What is USNG? The following video from Fire Engineering gives more insight into this feature.

More resources:

Turn on/off USNG(US National Grid)-visibility in PIX4Dreact

To turn on/off the USNG’s visibility:

  1. Turn on: Click on the USNG-button next to Enter GPS or USNG bar, when USNG is not visible and the USNG button is black.
  2. Turn off: When USNG is visible, click on blue colored USNG button.



Turn on/off USNG-labels

To turn on/off the USNG’s labels:

  1. Turn on: When the USNG is visible, click on the Show labels icon under the blue USNG button.
  2. Turn off: When USNG and the labels are visible, click on the Show labels icon under the blue USNG button.


Change USNG color

To change the USNG color:

  1. When the USNG is visible, click the colored rectangle under the label visibility icon.
  2. Choose a color.
Note: Depending on the coloring and terrain structure of your basemap the best visible color might differ from project to project.


Jump to USNG cell

To jump directly to any USNG cell:

  1. Enter a valid USNG coordinates into the Enter GPS or USNG bar.
  2. Click on the Go button next to the Enter GPS or USNG bar.
Note: You can enter any valid USNG coordinates in any USNG resolution. The jump will end in the exact cell and appropriate zoom level. To pull out or hide the search function independently from the USNG grid visibility click on the arrow next to the search bar.

Jump to GPS location

To jump directly to a GPS coordinate:

  1. Enter a valid GPS coordinate into the Enter GPS or USNG bar.
  2. Click on the Go button next to the Enter GPS or USNG bar.
Note: To expand or hide the search function independently from the USNG grid visibility click on the arrow next to the search bar.


Copy USNG code from a point on the map

To copy a USNG code from a point on the map:

  1. Using the mouse cursor, go to a place on the map you want to copy the USNG coordinates from.
  2. Click on the map.
  3. A position popup appears.
  4. Select and copy the USNG coordinates from the popup.
  5. Close popup.


USNG coordinates of cursor position on the map

To copy a USNG code from a point on the map:

  1. You find the USNG coordinates of your current mouse cursor position under the Enter GPS or USNG bar.
  2. The black numbers describe the USNG coordinates of your current mouse cursor position respectively to the current zoom level
  3. All numbers (black and grey) show the most detailed USNG coordinates of your current mouse cursor position.


USNG coordinates in annotations (and PDF)

  • In PIX4Dreact: An annotation’s USNG coordinates is (together with its GPS coordinates) part of every annotation info. It is displayed when editing an annotation and on the right sidebar.
  • In PDF: An annotation’s USNG coordinates is (together with its GPS coordinates) displayed in the PDF together with the respective annotation.

